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Submitted by: Jennifer Cheek
Question: 1
When using the HPE Storage Quick ROI Calculator to prepare a business case for an HPE StoreVirtual storage solution proposal, which financial metrics can be calculated for the business case? (Select two.)
A. real options valuation
B. total economic impact
C. risk adjusted ROI
D. rapid economic justification
E. NPV savings
Answer: A,C
Question: 2
A customers environment consists of two fabrics with four HPE B-series, fixed-port, SAN switches in each fabric. Which tool is recommended to manage and monitor this environment?
A. HPE Fabric Watch
B. HPE SAN Network Adviso
C. HPE SAN Visibility
D. HPE OneView
Answer: B
Question: 3
Which area of IT management is covered when integrating HPE Operations Orchestration into a solution?
A. managing hybrid cloud environments arid IT services
B. automating and coordinating IT processes
C. simplifying management and control of the data cente
D. delivering high-quality mottle applications
Answer: B
Question: 4
Which SAN topologies offer the highest centralized data access performance? {Select two.)
A. single switch
B. cascaded
C. meshed
D. ring
E. core-edge
Answer: B,E
Question: 5
A customer adds two new SFF 8000 enclosures that are fully populated with Nearline drives to an existing HPE 3PAR StoreServ 8400 array. The old configuration consisted of Fast Class and Nearline SAS drives in me 8000 SFF enclosure. What should the customer’s engineer do to optimize then storage configuration?
A. Run checkhealth on their system.
B. Defrag the CPGs and run align-drive on their system.
C. Run tune sys on their system.
D. Run compactcpg for existing virtual volumes.
Answer: C
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About the Author: Test Information:Total Questions: 60Test Number: HPE0-J76Vendor Name: HPCert Name: HP ASETest Name: Designing HPE Enterprise Storage SolutionsOfficial Site:
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