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Upgrading Old Great Plains to Dynamics GP Steps Overview by Alba SpectrumIf you are on legacy Great Plains Dynamics on MS SQL Server, Pervasive SQL 2000/Btrieve or Ctree, then update to current Microsoft Dynamics GP version 10.0 (also Dynamics GP 11.0 should be released somewhere in May 2010) should take several steps. The main message of this small publication is the fact that each version of Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise or even Great Plains Accounting for DOS, Windows or Macintosh are upgradeable to current Dynamics GP version. Sometimes we hear from Great Plains Dynamics customers that their current Microsoft Dynamics GP Reseller recommends to abandon old Dynamics and start from scratch new implementation of Dynamics GP 10.0. This recommendation, in our opinion, is related to the lack of required experience and hesitation to come through old versions intermediate steps. We do not give you technical details, this article is for controllers, or company owners. If you work for IT department and need additional technical details, please contact us via email or by phone. Let’s begin:1.Upgrading from Dynamics GP 9.0 or 8.0 to GP version 10.0. This is one step upgrade and likely your current Dynamics GP Partner is comfortable to do this type of work. There are few things to consider. First thing is modifications: ReportWriter modified reports (typically Sales Order Processing Blank Invoice form, Sales Order Blank Form), Modifier with VBA scripts (look if you have Dynamics.vba file in your GP directory and Forms.Dic – check path in Dynamics.set file); Dexterity customizations (again check Dynamics.set file if it has lines with your company abbreviations in one of the listed modules name). Second thing is FRx reports (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Cash Flow Statement and consolidated versions, if you have multiple companies) – FRx upgrade is typically not a big challenge, just do not forget about this important step. The third thing is Integrations – you may have them in Dynamics GP Integration Manager (Tools->Integrate->Integration Manager, then open Tools->Options and read Default Integration Manager Database – this is MS Access file, which has your IM metabase and needs to be updated). The forth thing is Dynamics GP add-ons upgrade – add-ons are developed and supported by Microsoft Dynamics GP ISV Partners (Mekorma, Avalara, Horizon, Wenn Soft to name a few) – you should check if your Dynamics GP ISV add-on is ready in new version and upgrade path exists. There are known issues about Microsoft Dynamics GP SP3, so, we recommend you to go directly to Dynamics GP Service Pack 4. If you have Extender, you should wait until Extender issues are resolved in GP SP42.Upgrading from Dynamics GP 7.5 and Great Plains Dynamics and eEnterprise 7.0. Here you have to do two steps Great Plains version update. We recommend you to go from 7.0 or 7.5 to Dynamics GP 9.0. There is some challenge in getting service packs for older versions of Great Plains Dynamics, however in our opinion it is possible to update using GP CDs (you should expect some SQL scripting level fixes). Please, take into consideration additional things, such as modifications, integrations, FRx reports, add-ons, as it was described in paragraph 1. When you are on Dynamics GP 9.0, next step is directly to version 103.Dynamics GP 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0 and earlier. Here you should expect at least three steps for 6.0 (6.0 -> 7.5), or four (5.0 -> 6.0 -> 7.5). In this paragraph we assume that you are on Microsoft SQL Server version of Great Plains eEnterprise or Dynamics C/S+4.Microsoft Small Business Financials (formerly known as Great Plains Small Business Manager). As you may already heard, SBF is in phase out mode, the last version is 9.0. Microsoft Business Solutions encourages you to migrate to Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Ready (Business Essential license). Migration path is SBF 7.5 or 8.0 to 9.0, then to Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (via Migration Tool) and then to Dynamics GP 10.05.Great Plains Dynamics on Pervasive SQL 2000 or Ctree migration to Great Plains Dynamics 7.5 on Microsoft SQL Server. When Microsoft acquired Great Plains Software in earlier 2000 – the direction was made to move Great Plains Dynamics from non-Microsoft DB platforms to Microsoft SQL Server (and cheap versions of MS SQL Server, such as MSDE 2000 and MS SQL Select 2005). In our opinion migration from Great Plains Dynamics on Ctree or Pervasive SQL 2000 is the most reliable for GP version 7.5 (Dynamics GP 7.5 was the last version where Ctree and Pervasive SQL 2000 DB platforms were supported)6.Intellisol Advanced Purchase Order Processing migration to Great Plains Purchase Order Module. Intellisol was very popular with its add-ons, such as Project Accounting and especially Advanced Purchase Order Processing. There were dramatic events back in late 1990th, when Great Plains Software decided to acquire Match Data Project Accounting (currently incorporated as Dynamics GP Project Accounting module) versus purchasing Intellisol Project Accounting. We are very sorry if you are on Intellisol APOP 7.5 or earlier versions, the way out is migration to Great Plains Dynamics PO 7.5 and then upgrading all the way up to Dynamics GP 10.0 or 11.07.Great Plains Accounting for DOS, Windows and Mac upgrade to Dynamics GP. General recommendation is to upgrade GPA to version 9.5 and then you are ready for Migration tool to Great Plains Dynamics 7.58.Getting new Microsoft Dynamics GP licenses. The answer is simple and at the same time old Great Plains customers might feel great challenge and pitfall here. You should be current in Microsoft Business Solutions annual enhancement program (typically 16% or more from your Dynamics GP software price list). If you are on legacy Great Plains Dynamics, or even Great Plains Accounting, the chances are high that you lapsed in payments for annual enhancement. If this is your case, please contact your Microsoft Dynamics GP VAR (or call our office) to get MBS annual enhancement reenrollment quote9.Walking away from old Great Plains. If you have already made your homework and you think that the way of staying in Microsoft Dynamics GP realm is not realistic (typically too expensive), we recommend you to consider the following options. First of them is to consider SAP Business One. SB1 is available in United States, Canada and internationally (localized version, meaning that it supports local languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, French, German, Italian, and more; plus it is compliant to regional country legislation, such as China People Republic, Russian Federation, Brazil, etc.)10.Integration with Microsoft RMS (Retail Management Software). Alba Spectrum offers you to deploy daily MS RMS integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP (Sales Order Processing, Purchase Order Processing and General Ledger). If you are small retailer, you might be OK with simple Great Plains Upgrade…11.Great Plains Dexterity customization recovery. Expect some challenge, to be specific, you will have to have Microsoft Dexterity source code dictionary (Dynamics.dic with Sanscript codes in). If you have this dictionary, we can help you with Dexterity customization upgrade and recovery12.Microsoft Dynamics GP in Central, Latin America and Caribbean. If your business enterprise in located in Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, we are covering your Microsoft Dynamics GP support needs via web sessions and phone conferences. We specialize in Dynamics GP customizations, integrations, reporting for international clients. For the countries, where Dynamics GP is not localized (such as Brazil, Russia, Germany, China) we recommend SAP Business One, which could be reasonably efficiently integrated and consolidated with Dynamics GP in US headquarters13.Give us a call 1-866-528-0577 help@albaspectrum.com If you are outside of use, call us 1-630-961-5918 or skype albaspectrumAndrew Karasev, Alba Spectrum, 1-866-528-0577, help@albaspectrum.com http://www.albaspectrum.com We serve Microsoft Dynamics GP Great Plains community since 1994 in US and Internationally. Local service is available in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston. Remote support USA and Canada nationwide and internationally. We speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese. Please, visit our info portal http://www.pegasplanet.com We have customers in the following states and provinces: IL, CA, Ontario, FL, TX, MI, MO, NY, UT, NV, AZ, LA, GA, Quebec, Russia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Oceania, Germany, China. We also serve SAP Business One as good alternative for Corporate ERP for multinational corporation overseas subsArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com