Airplane crashes into ocean in Micronesia

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Yesterday morning near the international airport located on Weno island of Chuuk state of the Federated States of Micronesia, Oceania a passenger airplane of model Boeing 737-800 flown by the Air Niugini carrier crashed into sea as its pilot missed the runway. All 47 people on board — by differing reports, 36 passengers and eleven crew or 35 passengers and twelve crew — survived.

The report by the international commercial aviation safety organization Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre indicated the crash coincided with a sudden intensification of the weather conditions. data from CustomWeather reported rain showers at 9:40 a.m. local time, following cloudy conditions at 8:50 a.m.

The airplane reportedly landed around 9:30 a.m. local time, short of the runway by about 160 m to 200 m (about 525 to 650 feet), according to reports. Locals immediately began to rescue the passengers and crew on fishing boats. Officials arrived after about ten minutes, according to a witness quoted by The Guardian.

In an interview, a passenger alleged the crew started panicking and yelling, The Guardian reported. A first responder, Dr James Yaingeluo, also said the airplane crew were in panic. He said, “There was a little bit [of] chaos at first because everybody was really panicked and tried to get out of the plane […] other than that we were doing as much as we can. Luckily there are no casualties.”

Yaingeluo said nine people were taken to a hospital. Four people remained in hospital, one “seriously injured”, according to reports recounted by ABC News on Friday evening.

Flight 73 was coming from Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. Its destination was Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea, with a stop at the Chuuk state.

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Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students/OH-WY

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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Save Money With Affordable Seo Services


It may seem a bit counterintuitive to think that hiring a service from outside your company could actually save you money. Yet if you play your cards right and choose wisely, then you really could keep to your budget and even whittle down expenses. There is such a thing as affordable search engine optimization in California. Just follow our guidelines and you could be well on your way to getting expert advice without breaking your budget.

A Necessary Service

First of all, search engine optimization is crucial if you want to make a dent in today’s busy and convoluted marketplace. There really is no escaping it; you need SEO strategies if you are going to bypass your competition. So you might as well hire someone who is competent and interested in your business. That being said, you do not have to splurge and spend an arm and a leg for this person. Just do your research, browse some portfolios, and find the agency that is most catered to your needs and goals.

Think About the Future

Sometimes it can be easy to focus only on the here and now. Yet every good businessperson knows that having short- and long-term goals is essential. If you want your company to flourish for years to come, then you must think about not only now, but later as well. That means looking beyond the initial work of hiring an outside SEO expert. Rather, think about all of the time, money, and energy this person (or team) will save you in the long run! You can bypass silly mistakes, loads of hours spent trying to craft a decent webpage, and the aggravation of botching keywords and phrases. Bring in the pros and get things right the first time around!

Spend Some Money, Make a Lot

Finally, while it is true that you may need to spend a bit of money on hiring an expert team of search engine optimization pros, do not let that deter you. Once you have the professionals by your side, they can get right to work on pinning down the buzzwords and phrases that will get your Web content noticed, front and center. Snag more consumers than ever before and see more sales being made in no time at all. Moreover, get ahead of your competitors! You can start today and end up making a lot more later, so get started today!

US Homeland Security Department doubts credibility of New York subway threat

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The US news agency CNN is reporting that the recent New York subway terrorist threat this past weekend was based on “false information.” The original tip lead to the arrest of three men in Iraq with suspected ties to the plot; however, under interrogation which included lie detector tests, investigators discovered they had no knowledge of any planned terror attacks on the New York subway system.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was skeptical of the threat since it was first announced last week. More recently, Russ Knocke, a spokesman for the DHS, said “The intelligence community has been able to determine that there are very serious doubts about the credibility of this specific threat.”

Responding to the new comments from the DHS, New York City Mayor Bloomberg replied, “We’ve got to take every threat seriously and that is what we are going to do.” Even before the new questions about the tip’s accuracy, Mayor Bloomberg was already defending his decision to increase security and promised that the measures will remain in place for at least the near future. Mayor Bloomberg explained that, while he did not believe he made a mistake in calling for increased security, “If I’m going to make a mistake you can rest assured it is on the side of being cautious.” New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly agreed, adding, “We did exactly the right thing.” Critics of Bloomberg have charged that the threat was a bid to “look strong” in support for his upcoming re-election attempt.

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Bank of England governor warns housing market is biggest threat to UK economy

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, has warned that the state of the housing market in the United Kingdom is the current biggest domestic threat to the country’s economy, due to lack of house building, and regulatory issues.

In an interview to be aired on Sky News today, he said the housing market is the “biggest risk” to the economy and has “deep, deep structural problems”. Of house building he said: “There are not sufficient houses built in the UK. To go back to Canada, there are half as many people in Canada as in the UK, twice as many houses are built every year in Canada as in the UK and we can’t influence that.”

“We’re not going to build a single house at the Bank of England. We can’t influence that. What we can influence […] is whether the banks are strong enough. Do they have enough capital against risk in the housing market?”

Carney also said the Bank of England would look into the procedures used to issue loans and mortgages to see if they were being granted appropriately: “We’d be concerned if there was a rapid increase in high loan-to-value mortgages across the banks. We’ve seen that creeping up and it’s something we’re watching closely.”

Kris Hopkins responded to Carney on behalf of the government, saying the government “inherited a broken housing market, but our efforts to fix it are working”. “We’ve scrapped the failed top-down planning system, built over 170,000 affordable homes and released more surplus brownfield sites for new housing. We’ve also helped homebuyers get on the housing ladder, because if people can buy homes builders will build them. Housebuilding is now at its highest level since 2007 and climbing. Last year councils gave permission for almost 200,000 new homes under the locally-led planning system and more than 1,000 communities have swiftly taken up neighbourhood planning. It’s clear evidence the government’s long-term economic plan is working.”

Earlier this month, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development called on the UK government to “tighten” access to the ‘Help to Buy’ scheme introduced by George Osborne and the coalition government in 2013. ‘Help to Buy’ has also recently been criticised by three former Chancellors of the Exchequer — the Conservatives Norman Lamont and Nigel Lawson, and former Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling. Darling said: “Unless supply can be increased substantially, we will exacerbate that situation with schemes like Help to Buy.”

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Forget About Blood Diamonds, Lets Look At Wal Mart}

Submitted by: Andy Moquin

Recent sensationalized Hollywood movies have brought the issues surrounding Blood Diamonds otherwise known as Conflict Diamonds in to question. While these issues should be serious concerns, the US’s diamond consumption has little affect on the Blood Diamond trade. Especially when you consider the insignificant amount of Blood Diamonds that actually enter the United States annually. After the implementation of the Kimberly Process, less than 1% of all diamonds sold in the United States are linked to the atrocities being committed in the African nations. Soon itll be 0%.

The Kimberly Process requires that all diamonds entering the U.S. be accompanied by a Kimberly Certificate and in a special tamper proof lock box. The Kimberly Certificates can only be issued by governing nations that have agreed to abide by the Kimberly Process. Over 71 nations, the diamond industry, and the United Nations established this process in 2002. Since its inception, the percentage of Blood Diamonds sold world wide, has dropped from 4% to 1%. Blood Diamonds are almost non-existent but still Hollywood and the media chooses to sensationalize this issue. Why, because they’re glamorous?

Diamond Facts


Nobody seems to mention that 99% of all diamonds come from conflict free sources. Furthermore, countries like Sierra Leone, Botswana, and Namibia benefit greatly from the revenues supplied by diamond exports. Did you know that 40% of all exported earnings for the country of Namibia comes from diamonds, accounting for 10% of their Gross Domestic Product? As Nelson Mandela said in 1999, “The diamond industry is vital to the southern African economy.” You can read more about Conflict Free Diamonds at

The general public has no idea how valuable the diamond industry is to the people of Africa. Revenues from diamond exports supply funding for hospitals, schools for children, roads and clean water systems. Diamonds from African countries have also funded the fight against HIV/AIDS by supplying funding for counseling, testing, education and clinics. It would be devastating to the people of Africa if the diamond trade were removed from its exports. Ive seen some activists calling for the end of the diamond trade, boycotting the sale of diamonds completely. Do you know how ridiculous that is? The people of Africa depend greatly on the exportation of their precious diamond resources.

Wal-Mart is a Bigger Problem

The annual sales for all jewelry products in the United States are $59 billion. That includes over 30,000 jewelry stores and manufacturers making and selling jewelry. Did you know that Wal-Mart sells over $290 billion annually as one company? One company sells $290 billion and 30,000 companies sell $59 billion, keep that figure in mind as I make my next point. The average American jewelry store sells only $500,000/year in jewelry. Yet, the activists picket all day in front of the miniscule mom and pop jewelry store and then head over to Wal-Mart and shop like theres no tomorrow. I heard a report recently that 20% of all products exported from China are purchased by Wal-Mart. Now lets talk about a serious problem, the exploitation of the Chinese worker.

The average Chinese worker makes .57cents per hour or $104 per month and is required to work 50 hours per week. Not asked, required! In some situations, Chinese workers are required to pay a fee to even get a job. But we Americans turn a blind eye to their problems as long as they keep providing cheap goods. Its not our problem, its theirs right? Recently, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai contested a proposed Chinese draft Labor Contract Law (LCL) that would improve labor conditions in China. Its said that the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (a group of American companies, most likely Wal-Mart, Nike, etc.) threatened to pull out of China if the law were passed.

These American companies have no interest in seeing the standard of living rise in China. They prefer that things stay the same so they can continue buying cheap Chinese products and schlep them to the American consumer. The standard of living in the United States is 100xs that of the Chinese, but its still not enough for us because we keep buying and consuming more stuff. Our buying habits have greatly affected the Chinese people and will continue to impoverish them (among others) until we stand up and do something about it.

So the activists continue to purchase cheap Chinese made materials and make their Boycott Diamonds sign. They should remember that Blood Diamonds in the US are all but extinct.

About the Author: Andy Moquin has spent 20 years in the jewelry business buying and selling over $20,000,000 in diamonds, engagement rings and custom designed jewelry. He as traveled to Belgium and Israel to work with international diamond dealers and works as an advisor for DBC Diamonds an international consortium of diamond dealers. His experience in the jewelry business has become invaluable to consumers and business owners. He can be contacted at 716-630-7091,,



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23 Australians arrested in global child porn network

Friday, December 12, 2008

 Correction — December 22, 2008 This article previously stated that Mr Williams had been charged with six counts of sex with a minor girl and two of possession of child pornography material. He was not charged with any counts of sex with a minor, and only one of using a carriage service provider to view child pornography and one of possession of child pornography material. 

By virtue of 28 search warrants, the Australian Federal Police has charged and arrested 23 men across Australia of “trading images and videos of child abuse on the internet,” being part of a global child pornography and video-sharing network involving people in 70 countries.

A Victorian QC, a NSW policeman, and a childcare worker are among the 19 arrested so far across NSW, Victoria and Queensland. As part of the international crackdown on the online child pornography ring, the AFP’s Child Protection Operations Teams seized some 500,000 images and 15,000 videos, which not only showed victims as young as 12 months old, but even filmed children being molested for more than two hours.

Retired former barrister, a Newham Victorian legal figure Neil James Williams QC, aged 74, was arrested by Australian Federal Police on October 22. Charged with one count of using a carriage service provider to view child pornography and one of possession of child pornography material, he appeared in the Bendigo’s Magistrates’ Court of Victoria and was released on granted bail, pending court hearing on March 4.

Sydney man Richard Ngon Fung Lee, aged 24, a waiter from Blakehurst, New South Wales, one of five men arrested and detained, was accused of “downloading and possessing child pornography,” and six counts of child sex. He did not file a petition for bail, as Sydney’s Central Local Court jurist Allan Moore adjourned the criminal lawsuit until next week. He will also be charged with having sex with a 13-year-old girl.

AFP Acting Deputy Commissioner Andrew Colvin said, “the videos seized as part of this operation have to be among the worst we have seen; in this case we haven’t located any children that were depicted in these videos or these images in Australia; law enforcement does have tools, so we can get in and infiltrate these type of applications; if we are not knocking on your door this morning, then it could be tomorrow.”

The year-long probe dubbed “Operation Resistance” began after information from the Brazilian Federal Police last December. The tip-off supplied from the DPF via the Interpol, had contributed to identification of more than 200 suspects in 70 countries forming the global internet sex network. The Age reported that “six other Victorians arrested are a 40-year-old Bell Park man, 27-year-old Maldon man, Rodney Peter Smith, a 56-year-old Altona man, a 66-year-old Northcote man, a 32-year-old Lovely Banks man and a 47-year-old Windsor man.” Some of those arrested will appear before the Geelong Magistrates’ Court of Victoria next year. Another 200 suspects have been identified worldwide.

Amid the legal and practical issue of identifying the victims, the children appear to be based primarily in Eastern Europe, and North and South America. All the charges filed concern peer-to-peer (or P2P) network, with each carrying a 10-year imprisonment penalty for possession of child abuse instrument. AFP acting assistant commissioner Neil Gaughan said more charges and arrests are expected this week. Only two children in NSW had been removed from contact with suspects. The AFP’s one year investigation has also resulted in over 300 people being arrested, including 131 people as part of 2008’s Operation Centurion.

The police are urging anyone with information regarding overt or suspicious acts about child pornography to report the matter to the local police, or online through

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You Tube Video Commercial Advertisement Go Viral Or Get Out

By Dhruv Patel

Whether you are a small or medium or large businessman, you need to use the right technique at the right time to reach the audience in the internet marketing. Video marketing has overtaken the rest of the old marketing methods as the customers are interested in watching videos than reading articles. Through a powerful video you can reach audience in any part of the world, create higher traffic to your site, get higher ranking in search engine results page, get reputation and brand name etc. And that is the reason more and more web owners have started using the YouTube Promotion.

It is easy to advertise and promote your product through video sharing sites. YouTube website provides step by step instructions for the users to create and upload the video. Also video sites allow you create your account at free of cost. So, once your keyword rich video is uploaded in the YouTube, your product start reaching hundreds, thousands and millions of customers spreading like a virus. Video sharing sites will get instant results. Also the video advertising through internet is affordable when compared with expensive television or radio advertising. Using YouTube promotion you can target mass people in short period.


The main concept of YouTube promotion is to get more views. For this you need to spend few hours to create an interesting and informative video. Your video should be keyword targeted one as well as interesting to the audience. If you would like to get more views on your video, then make the video duration in between 8 and 10 minutes. People may not show interest to watch lengthy videos that runs for more than 10 minutes.

Creating video is not a tough one. If you are a newbie you can either hire a professional or you can even do it on your own. Even with mobile phone inbuilt camera you can create your YouTube video. Once the video is ready in your system, login to the YouTube promotion account and click upload video link. The uploading process will not consume much time and you will be directed until the process is complete.

The main role of your YouTube is to attract more subscribers. For this I recommend you to give extra time while tagging and titling the video. The title and tags should be derived with the keyword that is related to your niche and the one that can get the attention of search engine spiders. The keyword concept is essential in YouTube because, nowadays even video sites are shown in the search engine results page.

Video is the only accepted mode by all class of people to get popularity in quick period. The video can be used in any of the field including music, dance, movies, business, cooking etc. Videos can be created on any niche to make money online. So, if you want to get reputation or a brand name to your business or promote your product or service, create your video niche and upload it in the YouTube to find the results immediately.

About the Author: Dhruv Patel is a customer of DreamHost. You can also read detailed

DreamHost review

on his web site.


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Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview.

Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 election. Schriner refers to himself as the “Average Joe” candidate, and advocates a pro-life and pro-environmentalist platform. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, and has published public policy papers exploring solutions to American issues.

Wikinews reporter William Saturn? talks with Schriner and discusses his campaign.

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Free Restaurant Schedule Template: Its Many Uses In Restaurant Operations

By Jerome Chiaro

If you feel constrained by the limits of your budget, then alternative options, such as a free restaurant schedule template for employee shifts, daily cleaning, and reservations, can lessen the burden of spending on additional office supplies and hiring new people just to create the schedules for you.

A free restaurant schedule template may seem unreliable or inauthentic, but they are a cheap way of avoiding needless spending. If you are a struggling restaurateur, then your may appreciate using such restaurant templates to create your employee shift schedules, daily cleaning schedules, and table reservation schedules.

Known for their irregular work schedules, restaurants continually change employee shifts to meet the needs of a demanding public. Within a day, lunch and dinner are the busiest hours, and during these times, a restaurant has the most number of employees waiting tables, handling the cash register, and staffing the kitchen. A good employee shift schedule decreases the stress of managing restaurant staff and increases productivity of your employees.


The use of a free restaurant schedule template for shift planning, however, presumes a paper schedule, which many experienced restaurant managers deem time consuming. A restaurant template is only valuable to restaurant managers and owners who may lack extra funds to pay for a subscription to an online service, such as HotSchedules, ShiftPlanning or TimeForge.

Both online and traditional methods consider the following factors when scheduling work shifts: employee abilities and skills, anticipated sales, individual work habits, food preparation, employee availability, individual work requests, certifications required for handling alcohol, and overall labor costs. The manager needs the request book and availability sheets to match each employee to a specific shift schedule.

No matter what option budding restaurateurs take, employee scheduling is a very important aspect of restaurant management because it controls labor costs and reduces employee turnover. It also streamlines workflow systematically; thus, reducing operating costs and increasing employee productivity.

Aside from employee scheduling, a free restaurant schedule template also finds itself an invaluable tool in setting up daily or weekly cleaning schedules in a bustling restaurant business. Cleaning and maintenance procedures often require specific steps because of the machines and the chemicals used. For example, cleaning a fully equipped restaurant kitchen with large ovens, dishwashers and a variety of kitchen utensils follows safety procedures to guard against employee accidents and damage to the equipment.

In another area of restaurant operations, such as table reservations and event bookings, the use of a free restaurant schedule template could prove useful, especially during peak seasons when the volume of customers increase and more special occasions happen than in any other month.

Similar to employee scheduling, the restaurant manager would need the request book for reservations and bookings, the food costs, the labor costs, and the employee availability sheets to fit them together to a manageable schedule. Of course, a restaurant manager is not expected to work on scheduling alone. A team of two or three assistants adds more organizational consistency and decreases scheduling errors because more than one person handles the information.

About the Author: Jerome Chiaro is a Restaurant Owner & Consultant out of Orange County, CA. Did you know that 95% of restaurant owners and managers spend over 55 hours per week slaving away at their restaurant! He can help you WORK LESS and PROFIT MORE… Claim your copy of his Free Restaurant Forms Toolkit. Success doesn’t happen alone! Join a mastermind of restaurant owners and a wealth of resources, at his Free Restaurant Forms Blog.


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