Hackers attack Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting website

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wikinews has learned that the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) website has been hacked and is suffering from an apparent Distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS). As of this report, the main IRIB website could be reached. Just after 6:00 p.m. (EDT) the site came back online with only a few connection issues.

On further investigation, it was discovered that an individual or group claims responsibility for attacking the website on an Iranian internet forum. As part of the attack, at least one section of the IRIB website, an apparent user space, was replaced with what appears to be videos and images of protests within Iran. The page also contains the statement “hacked by the Iranian people.”

It was also discovered that citizens have set up internet channels on IRC in an attempt to disseminate proxy servers and addresses to bypass the blocking of the internet by the Iranian government. Proxy servers can also be used to attack websites.

The Iranian government has blocked access to the Internet, or access to websites, in nearly all of Iran. A partial list of blocked websites includes Facebook, BBC, and several Iranian based websites.

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Kenya government fires health worker strikers over failure to ‘report back to work’

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Kenyan government has dismissed 25,000 striking health workers, mostly nurses, citing failure to heed government orders to recommence work and concern for the welfare of hospital patients. Speaking on behalf of the government, Alfred Mutua stated the workers were dismissed “illegally striking” and “[defying] the directive … to report back to work”, which he called “unethical”. The government asks that “[a]ll qualified health professionals, who are unemployed and/or retired have been advised to report to their nearest health facility for interviews and deployment”, Mutua stated.

The workers, who had been on strike for four days, were wishing to have improvements made to their wages, working conditions, and allowances. The strikes have caused a significant number of Kenyan hospitals to cease operations. According to Kenya Health Professionals Society spokesperson Alex Orina, the average monthly wage plus allowances for health workers in Kenya is KSh25,000 (£193, US$302 or €230) approximately. With an increasing number of reports of patients neglected in hospitals emerging, two trade unions met with the Kenyan government yesterday and negotitated a return to work, although a significant proportion of demonstrators defied the agreement, The Guardian reported.

Orina told Reuters the dismissals were “cat-and-mouse games, you cannot sack an entire workforce. It is a ploy to get us to rush back to work, but our strike continues until our demands are met”. Frederick Omiah, a member of the same society, believed the government’s actions would “make an already delicate and volatile situation worse”, expressing concern that demonstrations may continue in the capital Nairobi, amongst other locations. Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union chairperson Dr. Victor Ng’ani described government actions as “reckless”.

Mutua said the health workers were “no longer employees of the government” and had been eliminated from the payroll. While Ng’ani told the BBC of difficulties with finding other workers as skilled and experienced, Mutua reportedly stated that this would not be an issue. “We have over 100,000 to 200,000 health professionals looking for work today,” Mutua commented. “There will be a lag of a day or two … but it is better than letting people die on the floor, at the gate, or suffer in pain”.

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What Can You Expect From The Best Physical Therapists In Sandy

byAlma Abell

Physical therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on reducing the pain, swelling and inflammation you have after an injury, surgery or because of a long-term condition. This type of therapy helps to increase your mobility, strength, flexibility and endurance. With ongoing therapy, most people are able to improve their function in their daily lives. This information can prove helpful in helping you to understand what to expect from the Best Physical Therapists in Sandy, so you can be prepared when you schedule your appointment.


What Happens When You See a Physical Therapist?

When your physical therapist first meets with you, he or she will want to go over your health history and examine you. As a part of the examination process, the therapist will check your level of flexibility, balance, coordination, posture and mobility. You may be asked to move certain ways, walk, sit and lie down, so the physical therapist can check to see how you move and transition between movements. After a full examination, the therapist will be able to discuss your current condition and your goals for treatment. This puts you involved in your treatment, increasing the odds of it being more effective.

A big part of your therapy will involve specific and targeted exercises meant to help you improve your range of motion, without pain and swelling. Your therapist will instruct you on the right form for your movements. As with any type of exercise program, you may experience some degree of discomfort and soreness, but you should not feel major pain. If you do, make sure you inform your therapist, so your exercises can be adjusted.

Along with exercise, the PT will also give you educational information on increasing your mobility and becoming pain-free. You may be given certain exercises to perform at home, so you continue to progress between treatments. It is important you are active in your care, so you can see improved function as you progress through treatment.

If you are experiencing pain and mobility issues, there is help through the best physical therapist in Sandy.

New Zealand Reserve Bank phone hacker not convicted

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Gerasimos Macridis, 39-years-old, left the court room discharged without conviction after hacking into the New Zealand Reserve Bank’s phone system and then asking for money for his services after pointing out these security flaws to both the Reserve Bank and Telecom New Zealand in May, 2006, and offering to fix them. He had identified himself as a security consultant.

The New Zealand Police then raided his home and took his computer on 21 September. Macridis told police that he did not think it was illegal, but knew he was not authorised to access the phone systems. Telecom then took him to court.

Colin McGilicray, police prosecutor, said: “Macridis has a significant number of previous fraud convictions and it appeared he was trying to obtain money through virtue of his technical knowledge.”

Macridis, who represented himself, told the court that for 11-years he had worked as a casual security consultant and he had worked for Telecom, police and Department of Internal Affairs.

Macridis thought himself as an honest, law abiding citizen as his 1994 conviction had ‘turned his life around’.

Judge Ian Mill said this case was very unusual and also noted that Macridis ended his offending over 10-years ago.

Mill said: “Macridis used his talents to identify security risks and he had identified a grave risk to the Reserve Bank and its customers. Macridis provided a report of his findings, requested payment albeit without a contract and for his troubles was prosecuted. He did not pass the information on to others and did not use it for personal gain.”

“In my view his intentions were honourable,” Mill added.

Mill discharged him without conviction on the basis that a conviction would be out of proportion with his actions.

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More teenagers attracted to computer crime, say experts

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Security experts warn more and more teenagers are now into hi-tech computer crime. Alarmingly large number of teenagers are found peddling credit card numbers, phishing kits and cracking tips in some Internet forums. The young offenders are very likely to get caught and prosecuted due to their inferior technical skills, claim experts.

Swapping malicious programs, knowledge, stolen data, exploits and virus code are very popular with teenagers exposed to the world of computer crime. Online communities and web forums sharing application cracks, exotic exploits and virus code make it easy for teens to do the illegal activities. Many nuisance programs are written by teenagers to exploit users of social networking sites, says Chris Boyd, director of malware research at FaceTime Security.

“Some are quite crude, some are clever and some are stupid,” said Mr Boyd. Attempts to make money by dabbling in cyber crime quite often fails due to a lack of technical skills. “They do not even know enough to get a simple phishing or attack tool right,” said Kevin Hogan, a senior manager of Symantec Security Response. The teenagers often end up damaging their own PCs by the viruses they have written.

Teenagers desire to win recognition for their exploits make them post revealing videos in sites such as YouTube. They commonly sign on with the same alias used to crack a site, run a phishing attack or write a web exploit. They are thus easily tracked down by computer security experts.

Some are quite crude, some are clever and some are stupid.

Mathew Bevan, arrested as a teenager cyber criminal and then acquitted, says teens enjoy the “thrill and power to prove they are somebody”. Thus they end up sticking to the same alias, even at a risk of being caught. “The aim of what they are doing is to get the fame within their peer group,” he said. “They spend months or years developing who they are and their status. They do not want to give that up freely.”

Graham Robb, a board member of the Youth Justice Board, cautions about the life-long stigma on being caught. “If they get a criminal record it stays with them,” he said. “A Criminal Records Bureau check will throw that up and it could prevent access to jobs.”

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Calls for corporate tax reform in Australia goes unheeded

Friday, May 12, 2006

Peter Costello’s budget announcement has led to rejoicing for small businesses, but the lack of joy for those pushing for radical corporate taxation reform has led to many businesses asking “what about us?”

Personal taxation and small business have been the big winners after this year’s federal budget. Although dampened by the twin economic threats of rising interest rates and petrol prices, there should be a reasonable amount of real income savings for both low and high income earners, with those receiving Medicare, or a superannuation benefit, privy to an even lower level of taxation (0% for those on super benefits).

Small business also has benefited from the Howard government’s 11th annual budget, with them receiving a higher level of reducing depreciation, leading to a higher level of deductions in the years following the uptake of new technology or other capital. They are also privy to a AU$435 million dollar tax cut to compensate for their changing accounting requirements under the government’s new AIFRS reporting standards, as well as increasing the uptake of both the small business tax relief scheme and CGT (Capital Gains tax) Concessions.

The budget was not a complete loss for big business however, as superannuation laws have been tweaked to streamline contribution and payment rules previously impeding those with multitudes of staff.

But this is not enough, says Big 4 accounting firm Ernst & Young. In their newly published paper “Taxation of Investment in Australia: the need for ongoing reform”. In it they lead the charge for a greater streamlining and organization of the corporate tax system in Australia, submitting that it will lead to reductions in “disincentives to work save and invest in Australia [as well as improving] the international competitiveness of Australian businesses.” This follows from a recent report brought out by Mr. Costello himself about the need for tax reform in Australia.

A budget night Mr. Costello was notably coy about any future reform of corporate tax in Australia. He alluded to the report by his ministers but kept from outlining the government’s plan precisely.

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Exterior Vinyl Shutters Offer A Stylish, Low Budget Window Treatment Solution

By Rika Susan

Exterior vinyl shutters are durable kerb-appeal enhancers with a fast-paced installation process. This is one of the easiest and most affordable face-lift projects for a family home, and a sensible way to spend the funds generated by a home improvement loan. If you want to add color and class to your home, innovative engineering has transformed exterior vinyl shutters into a durable design option with a range of benefits.

These budget-beating exterior vinyl shutter ranges complement virtually any architectural style. The diversity of design makes it easy to find your home’s perfect match. Tempting arrays of color can be used to bring out the best in your home. The decorative fastening systems are color coordinated. These shutters can be non-functional, meaning they remain open and are permanently affixed to the walls of the property, or you can opt for a functional, usable range.

1. Superb Color Retention

One of the main benefits of an exterior vinyl shutter is that the copolymer or urethane construction is treated with a molded through color that is UV resistant. This means your shutters will retain their bright, colorful appeal for years to come. In fact, some manufacturers include a warranty of up to 40 years!

2. Low-Maintenance Durability


Molded exterior vinyl shutters are a maintenance-free product in many respects. A quick rinse-down is all you will need to do, in contrast to the time-consuming effort of having to paint wood shutters once a year. Due to the molded through color, you won’t battle with paint chips, flaking or fading – the usual bane of wood exterior shutter products. You even get a wood grain texture without any of the warping woes that usually accompany real wood shutters.

3. Warp-Free Wear

Apart from the color-retaining characteristic, the benefits of this window treatment include remaining free of cracks and resisting rot due to water. Many of the exterior vinyl shutter ranges, also known as polylite shutters or composite shutters, are custom made to the measurements of the client’s home.

4. Design Diversity

Board and batten shutters are a popular exterior vinyl shutter design choice. Adding a rustic look to the property, board and batten shutters can be solid, or feature spaces between the vertical boards that will allow sun and air through. Two to five vertical boards are used, with a horizontal board at the top and the bottom of the shutter. Many shutter manufacturers also supply curved ranges for arched windows.

If you prefer a different look, opt for the classic fixed louver styles, or a raised panel design. With some manufacturers you have the option of paintable shutters.

5. Do It Yourself Installation

The installation process is a fairly simple do it yourself home improvement project. It is vital that you don’t skimp on the shutter fasteners and accessories. Using a quality finish will add to the durability of your home remodeling efforts. A variety of decorative hinges are available, adding a touch of tradition and authenticity.

If you take the reasonable price, low maintenance, durability, warranty and ease of installation into account, it is clear that exterior vinyl shutters are window treatments that trump real wood shutters time after time.

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Donald Trump plans £300m “golfing paradise” for rural Scotland

Saturday, April 1, 2006

American multi-billionaire Donald Trump has announced plans to build a massive golf complex on an 800-acre site just north of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Speaking last night from the Trump Tower in New York, Trump said that the development will be akin to a “homecoming” for him. The ginger-haired property tycoon’s mother is from the Western Isles of Scotland.

The £300m project at Menie in Aberdeenshire will include both a links course and an inland course, and a 400-bedroom hotel as well as a golfing academy and holiday homes. The facilities are being built with the intention of attracting the Open Championship to the site, officially dubbed Trump International Golf Links, Scotland.

Fields and sand-dunes make up the landscape of the coastal site. Trump said of the location, “As soon as I saw it there was no question about it. I looked at 211 fantastic sites all over Europe, but here it is – the dune size and the ocean front. There is no piece of land that I have ever seen that is comparable to this.” The billionaire claims that the complex, set to be his only development outside the United States, will be the “best course in the world.”

Local and national political figures, including Scottish First Minister Jack McConnell, have welcomed the announcement with open arms, as the project is expected to bring in an additional £157m to the region’s economy within the first ten years. Scottish tourism company VisitScotland is also optimistic, expecting an influx of international visitors to play on (or simply visit) the site. Plans to expand the A90 road running past the site in the near future will enable more road traffic to and around the area. An £60m expansion of Aberdeen Airport will also allow for vastly increased international air links, akin to those operated using Boeing 767 aircraft.

Work on the golf complex itself is set to begin in September this year, with the Trump Organisation hopeful for a Spring 2008 opening date.

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Big shoes to fill at eBay

Saturday, June 4, 2005

There are often odd, unusual and controversial items up for sale on eBay – multi-million euro planes, the Pope’s old car and a young woman’s virginity, to name just a few. But how about the Prime Minister’s shoes?

Shoes custom designed for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have been put up for sale on eBay. The shoes, which have a reserve price of £2,930 (US $3,580), are currently owned by 65 year old Eleanor Graham. Ms. Graham bought them in a Sue Ryder charity shop after seeing a member of Thatcher’s staff drop them in the shop. She guessed that they would increase in value over the years, so Ms. Graham purchased them.

The Rayne shoes – which come in gold, silver and black suede – are size five and come with a letter received in 2001 from Ms Thatchers office confirming that she did wear Rayne shoes.

You can see the shoes at eBay by clicking here.

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Hepatitis scare at New Zealand McDonald’s restaurant

Saturday, December 30, 2006

McDonald’s is asking everyone who ate at a McDonald’s restaurant located in Greenlane, Auckland, New Zealand, in December 15, 2006, to go to their doctor after a worker tested positive for Hepatitis A.

Doctor Greg Simmons, medical officer of health in Auckland, said that it is possible for the food handler worker to have passed on the disease during 7:00 p.m. (NZDT) and 2:00 a.m. as he would have been in the most infectious stage of Hepatitis A and was not wearing gloves. According to a spokeswoman from McDonald’s, Joanna Redfern-Hardisty, food handlers are not required to wear gloves but are required to have thoroughly washed their hands with antimicrobial soap. However Dr Simmons says that the infected worker usually wore gloves.

The shift the worker worked was the only one the worker handled food when he was infectious with Hepatitis A.

It is unknown how many people could have come into contact with food that the infected worker had prepared as Friday night is usually a busy night, according to Ms Redfern-Hardisty.

Dr Simmons says that if someone has been infected with Hepatitis A then they will currently be showing early symptoms. Those symptoms include being tired, no appetite, nausea and skin and eyes will show a yellowish colour.

Ms Redfern-Hardisty, spokeswoman for McDonald’s, confirmed that no more risk is being posed to customers. She said that it is currently unknown where the worker caught Hepatitis A but has stated that it was from an external source.

The worker has been suspended from work.

If you ate at the McDonalds located in Greenlane, Auckland, on late December 15, early December 16, then please either visit your doctor or ring the Auckland Regional Public Health Service on 096234600.

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