Yoga Has Benefits For The Inside Of You, Too}

Yoga Has Benefits For The Inside Of You, Too


Linda Adams

The external benefits of yoga are sometimes easily seen: a fit body, flexibility and perhaps a peaceful demeanor.

But did you know that you can find internal benefits with yoga as well? We don’t necessarily mean things like peace, relaxation and mental clarity, though a yoga practitioner can no doubt achieve those things as well.

We’re talking about real, actual internal benefits, such as alleviating problems related to the digestive system, the bladder, pituitary, kidney, liver, prostate, thyroid, ovaries or intestines. Yoga experts and scientists have found out that yoga has the potential to have a positive effect on the performance and function of the internal organs.

The experts say that yoga is possibly the only physical activity that can, with proper execution, massage and stimulate the internal organs and improve their function. Through the various poses and stretching movements, yoga can increase the blood flow to the internal organs, which cleanses and detoxifies. Yoga has been found to reduce sodium in the system, boost the endocrine, gastrointestinal and lymphatic systems, lower the amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in the system and regulate the production of hormones.

In addition, yoga can increase the red blood cell count and the levels of Vitamin C, both of which help to strengthen your immune system.

Yoga positions that require the body to be inverted help increase the flow of blood to the brain and lungs and permits the heart to take a small rest from its continual work. Performing inversion poses also has been found to improve sleep because they help to relax the sympathetic systems. Poses or asanas that require the practitioner to twist massage the internal organs while increasing and improving the flow of blood inside the body. Forward bending poses massages the abdominal cavity and back-bending poses massaged the adrenal glands and kidneys.

Below are a few internal areas of the body and the yoga poses that can help massage and improve their function.

Bladder Half Frog Pose: Lie on the floor on your stomach, press your forearms to the floor and raise your head and upper torso.

Lie on your stomach, press your forearms to the floor and raise your head and upper torso. Flex your right leg and push the heel of your foot to your right buttock. Lean on your left forearm and reach back with your right hand to grab the instep of your foot. Position your elbow so that it is pointing toward the ceiling, then position your hand on the top of your foot and curl your fingers over the tips of your toes, with the palm of your hand on the top of your foot. Next, press your foot toward your buttock. If you’re flexible enough, try to push your foot off to the side and attempt to press down to the floor, making sure to keep your knee lined up with your hip. It the position begins to hurt, release some of the pressure. Perform the move (also known as the Half Bhekasana) on both sides of your body for between 20 seconds and two minutes.

Digestive System Bharadvahas Twist: Sit on the floor, legs straight out in front of you. Shift the weight of your body to your left buttock, bend your knees and position your legs on the right side of your body. Your feet should be on the floor on the outside of your right hip and your right ankle should be positioned on the arch of your left foot. Take a deep breath and lengthen your torso, then shift your weight to your left buttock, swinging your feet to the right in the same position that you had them on the left. Exhale and twist your midsection to the right, making sure to keep your left buttock in touch with the floor. Relax your midsection and lengthen your back. Place your right hand under your left knee and place your left hand on the floor behind your left buttock. Twist your right shoulder back a bit and press your shoulder blades into your back while continuing to twist your body to the left. With each inhalation, try to twist your midsection a bit further and hold this pose for no longer than 60 seconds. Exhale and return to the original position with your legs straight out in front of you, then repeat for the other side of your body.

Sphinx Pose – Intestines: Lie on your stomach on the floor and extend your legs straight behind you. Slowly stretch your spine as you contract your tailbone section upwards and then downwards to your feet. Now begin to turn the outer part of your thighs to the floor and continue to stretch your lower back. Position your elbows under your shoulders and place your forearms on the floor so that they are evenly positioned. Take a deep breath and lift the upper section of your torso from the floor in a backbend position. You should keep your buttocks firm but not tight and you should attempt to extend your tailbone to your feet to keep the pressure from your lower back. Next, gently raise your lower stomach area (below the navel but just above the pubic bone) up and in toward your lower back, creating a slight dome. This should be done without tightening or sucking in your stomach muscles. Hold this position for 30 to 40 seconds and then exhale and relax your stomach area as your lower your torso to the floor. You can repeat the pose if you feel like it.

There are many other poses that benefit these areas of internal areas of the body, as well as poses for other internal areas of the body. Consult with a yoga professional to find out the proper execution of these moves and more, as well as how yoga can help create a better you inside and out.

Linda Adams really loves all things that have to do with health.One of the very best yoga blogs Linda has found is

Kamloops Yoga Fitness

You can also have a look at

Are Your Teens Stressed Out? Get them into Yoga for the Healthy Positive Lifestyle

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Yoga Has Benefits For The Inside Of You, Too }

Your Moving Companies In Tacoma Wa Will Do The Hard Work

byAlma Abell

If you are thinking about moving yet you are worried about the physical labor that is involved, you may think about hiring moving companies in Tacoma, WA to assist you. There are a number of benefits to hiring a moving company to help you during this difficult time. First of all, they are going to do the heavy lifting for you. It doesn’t matter whether you live in an apartment, a five bedroom home, or even a condominium. Either way, your moving company will carefully remove everything from your home and transport it to another location.

Of course, the amount of money that you are going to have to pay is going to depend on how much stuff you have. You can visit the website for your moving company to get a free quote. If you decide that you would like to hire their services, set up an appointment to get started as soon as possible. Keep in mind, you are going to want to make your appointment well in advance. This way, there will be a better chance of your moving company being available when you need them. Usually, your movers are going to be less busy during the week. You may even save a little bit of money by moving during the week rather than on a weekend.

Now, you need to think about moving supplies. There is a good chance that your Moving Companies in Tacoma WA will have boxes available for you. Figure out how many boxes you need and then check with your moving company to find out how much it will cost to reserve these boxes. If you don’t have a way to pick up the boxes, your movers can drop them off at your home. Make sure that your boxes are ready to go before your moving company arrives. This way, they won’t have to wait for you to finish packing. If your movers don’t have to wait, you will save money on their services. Moving doesn’t have to be a lot of physical labor. Set up an appointment with a moving company today. They will get the job done quickly.

Three Reasons To Take Swimming Lessons In A Wantagh Pool

byAlma Abell

Even though there are several Wantagh pools available to the public, many people don’t take enough time to just enjoy the water. Some are too busy with everyday life to take time off to go to a pool or a beach. Others, however, do enjoy getting wet but, tragically don’t know how to swim.

This is unfortunate as swimming is an extremely rewarding sport. Here are three reasons why you should learn.

Survival Skills


Swimming may not seem all too necessary anymore, considering the increasing availability of options like rafts and boats, not to mention the comforting presence of life guards. But in an unpredictable world, you never know when you’ll need this skill set.

The circumstances in which you’ll need swimming skills may not be pleasant to imagine. You may get caught in a flood, or perhaps on a ship that’s going down, or even need to rescue someone while you are relaxing beside a Wantagh pool. In the end it’s better to be safe than sorry, and an extra skill to ensure survival can only help you in the future.

Better Health

As you may have already heard, there are numerous health benefits to swimming. Not only does it help build muscle and burn calories, it also does wonders for your cardiovascular and respiratory health.

People who swim regularly in Wantagh pools find that, over time, they grow stronger and more flexible. Swimming is also a popular choice for those who need more exercise to help treat their medical condition.

For Fun

The water can often evoke visions of summers at the beach, swim races with friends and exploring lakes and waterfalls. If you can’t swim, you’re truly missing out on the wonder of exploring the water, as well as the relaxation it offers. In fact, many health experts recommend swimming as a great way to relieve stress.

If you want to learn how to swim, signing up in Wantagh for a gym with a Wantagh pool is the best way to go. Gym pools allow you to swim or learn how to swim without crowds of casual swimmers that may hold you back. This is also a great way to meet other people who are also learning the ropes. Whatever your reason for learning how to swim, we’re sure you’ll find it a rewarding experience.