The Application Of Cucumber For Glowing Skin 5 Tips Cucumber Can Be Used To Your Benefit

If you want to have home remedy for glowing skin, there is one home remedy I want to share with you, It is cucumber.

Using cucumber for glowing skin is a great way to save up on beauty products and skin lightening products. Cucumber has enough water content to restore your skin into the glow and health that it had before. Using cucumber for glowing skin regularly can help rejuvenate skin and make it fairer than ever. Here are 5 simple ways to use cucumber for healthier skin:

  1. You can use cucumber on its own by slicing ripe cucumbers into thin circles and applying it directly on the skin of the face. Start by washing face to get rid of make-up, dirt and excess oil. Apply cucumber circles directly on face and leave it on for about 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. Cucumber juice may be extracted from ripe cucumber and applied directly on the face. After a bath, when the pores of the skin are still open and full of moisture, apply cucumber juice liberally. This minimizes pore size and ultimately rejuvenates skin with continued use.
  3. You can make cucumber mask with raw eggs. Make cucumber juice in a blender and mix some drops of essential oils. Whisk one raw egg and fold the cucumber mixture in. Apply this mixture onto the face and leave it on for 15 to 30 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and mild soap after.
  4. There are a lot of cucumber based products that can be bought in beauty aisles in department stores and supermarkets and you can use these products regularly since they are clinically tested and safe for daily use. Cucumber as the main ingredient in many skin products just shows the effectiveness and safety of this wonder fruit.
  5. Eating cucumber can also be another way of using cucumber for glowing skin. Since it has water, it cools and refreshes the entire body making your skin glow as well.

Using cucumber can be more effective if combined with other beauty regimen. Cucumber has astringent properties that reduces pores, minimizing skin blemishes and removes dull skin. With the regular use of cucumber products or cucumber home remedies you can achieve glowing skin in no time at all. Try these 5 ways to benefit from cucumber and have healthy and rejuvenated skin. Using cucumber for glowing skin may be the best natural remedy to revive your dark and dull skin.

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Applying cucumber might be better if you are using it with another home remedy. Papaya and cucumber is a great combination for glowing skin. Don’t hesitate to go to my blog if you want to find out more about how to whiten skin.
Author: Fakhrul Mahathir Muhammad

Keep In Touch With Traditional Food By Tasting Indian Cuisine

Keep in touch with traditional food by tasting Indian cuisine


Jenny Jonson1

There have been many global changes in the history of mankind. The process of globalization was one of those that impacted the way people think and interact with each other. It has brought countries together and the people now feel a sense of closeness due to this factor. The people have picked up the cultures, traditions, the information, knowledge and of course the food from other countries. This has brought them close where they can understand each other well. The food has always interested people from all across the globe. The authentic methods, with which the dishes are prepared, may seem to be new to some while the flavours that they possess are appreciated in many parts of the world. The food we can say has contributed to world peace by introducing international flavours to the corner of your next street.

The Indian cuisine is filled with colorful flavors and hot spices that deliver a distinct taste. This food gets its authentic taste by the method with which it is prepared. The authentic methods to cook certain dishes are still preserved in the families and some of the restaurants. Owing to its flavor and texture, Indian cuisine has impressed guests within the borders and outside as well. The people across the globe have tasted, liked and appreciated the Indian flavours. This cuisine has created many fans in the global market. Due to this, the world has seen an increasing demand of


Indian food restaurants

in many countries.

The average Indian consumer is used to the spices and flavours that are served to him since the childhood and he never seems to get tired of it. In fact, even when eating out, he sometimes demands for the same food for a rough comparison. Hence, convincing an Indian consumer is not easy in these

Indian food restaurants

in global conditions. Such consumers are always handled with care and never given a chance to complain by maintaining the food standards. But things are different when we are talking within India.

The Indian subcontinent has grown into a major business hub for the entire world with metropolitan cities that rank high amongst the others spread across the entire world. The technology and the advancements in science have given birth to office professionals and well educated working class that do not hesitate to undergo a new change for betterment. But one thing that has always remained constant is the traditional food that they share. From the home made rotis to breakfast with a cup of tea, everything has remained the same in the lives of this new generation of individuals. The families have been successful to preserve the ancient culture by transferring it to this generation of individuals who believe in new methods but love their

traditional food

. This has given many Indian restaurants an opportunity to keep the spirit alive and serve their customer with the same cuisine it used to prepare a hundred years back. And to add the authenticity factor, the dishes are mostly prepared with the same method.

I am veg. food lover & I like Cake, Donuts, Pizza & Ice-cream so i am visiting regularly pizza shops & restaurants. I like to try new veg dishes so I always try to visit new veg. restaurants. To know more about Indian food restaurants visit here :

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