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By Luzerna Solon
How often do you find yourself stuck in the house on them cold winter days, suffering from the winter blues? I bet you said quite often, if you did then your answer is like that of most people during the winter months. I want you to stop right now and think about what you just read, if you do find yourself stuck in the house during the winter with nothing to do, you should consider yourself very lucky. Most people are always complaining that they don’t have enough time in the day to get things done. So, according to a lot of folks, if you have nothing to do in the winter because your stuck inside, you are indeed a very lucky person.
Now, if this is true and you find yourself in the winter with nothing to do, and you need an idea to fight the winter blues, why not take up a great hobby like building dollhouses for your children, or as gifts to other children or to make some great extra money. Building a dollhouse is a great winter time project for any adult, from a male to a female. Now, if you are a carpenter by trade, such a project will be pretty easy for you, but if not, you can still make a dollhouse pretty easy. First of all you must decide if you want to build one from a kit or completely from scratch, by making your own parts.
Dollhouse kits can range in price from $40 to a few thousand dollars, depending upon the size, parts and the uniqueness of the project. A dollhouse is basically a copy of a real house that is made in miniature. If you are planning on making a dollhouse from a kit, then simply purchase one and follow the instructions that are included with it. If you are interested in making a dollhouse from scratch, using material you purchase, here are some things you should know before beginning your project.
Most folks use plain plywood to make their dollhouses out of, it’s pretty cheap and a single full sized sheet in 1/4 inch thickness, is enough to make a whole project. You do not need to get the best or most expensive plywood either, the standard or good grade is fine. You can always sand and fill in any holes or damage in the wood, before painting and assembling it. Windows are usually created with clear sheets of plastic or Plexiglas. And the roof shingles can be made from actually parts from spare shingles, cut into small versions, or some people say using sandpaper makes great shingles.
You can use the internet to get some great, free dollhouse plans to follow or buy yourself a couple books on building dollhouses. You will need a saw capable of cutting out small pieces of wood, a sander or sandpaper, some small nails and a good wood glue. You can purchase everything including the plywood at most Home Depot stores or Lowes. When making a dollhouse from scratch, you are only limited by the amount of money you want to spend on the parts and by your imagination, you can have real working lights, doors and windows that actually open and close, and more unique things.
A nice finished dollhouse can sell for anywhere’s from a few dollars to several thousand dollars, depending upon the skill, time, and uniqueness of the finished project. It is something that can last a lifetime, and would be one of the greatest gifts you could make for your young daughter or a friend, or you can make them and sell them for profit from your own website or on an online site such as eBay. Now, when you find yourself stuck inside on the long cold winter days with nothing to do, head to your basement, or wherever your workshop is set up, and get working on a dollhouse, it’s not just fun and rewarding, it’s also a great way to help fight against the winter blues.
There is a website that describes numerous activities and other methods to help eliminate the Winter Blues, this website is called: Winter Activities – and it may be found at this url: http://www.winter-activities.com
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About the Author: Luzerna Solon, has worked in the field of depression and other aspects involving the Winter Blues for a number of years. She has counseled thousands over the years, and has helped them remove the winter blues from their life with simple activities. Winter Activities
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