Cloned cattle’s milk and meat seem safe, according to new study

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A National Academy of Sciences report (.pdf) last year said that while the milk and meat from cloned animals would not likely make anyone sick, more research should be performed. Now, a new US-Japan study published in the April 11 online issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says that milk and meat from cloned cattle does indeed appear to meet industry standards and appears to be safe for human consumption.

As BBC News reports, the scientists, led by Professor Jerry Yang from the University of Connecticut, compared the produce from two beef and four dairy clones, all derived from a single Holstein dairy cow and a single Japanese black bull, with the produce from normal animals of similar age and breed.

The meat was analysed against more than 100 physiological, tissue and cellular components, while the milk was analysed for protein, fat and other variables. No significant differences between the produce of cloned and normal cattle were found. Higher levels of fat and fatty acids were found in the cloned cow meat, but they still fell within beef industry standards.

While the study showed the cloned produce to be within the range approved for human consumption, the scientists stressed that the research was still in its early stages. Their findings, they said, provide “guidelines” for further research with larger numbers of clones from different genetic backgrounds.

Cloning livestock may one day increase yields by copying those animals that are especially productive and especially resistant to disease.

“The milking production levels in the US are three to four times higher than levels in China; maybe even five times or more compared to cows in India and some other countries,” Professor Jerry Yang told BBC News. “Therefore cloning could offer technology for duplicating superior farm animals. However, all the products from these cloned animals must be safe for human consumption. …and it is a major issue for scientists to provide a scientific basis for the data and information to address this question.”

As USA Today reports, there is currently no law governing the sale of meat or milk from the estimated 1,000 to 2,000 cloned farm animals in the USA. But since 2003, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked producers to voluntarily keep the meat and milk of these animals, and that of their offspring, out of the food supply.

Wired News reports that companies like ViaGen and Cyagra, which offer livestock-cloning services, have also been waiting for several years for a final say from the FDA.

“For the United States agricultural industry, (cloning) can reduce the number of cows necessary for milking,” said Jerry Yang “They can have a pleasant environment and produce even more milk.” He also said that cloning cattle from the United States, where genetic breeding is more advanced, could save developing countries 50 years of breeding.

The idea of cloning animals for human consumption is not without its critics. First, there are the welfare concerns, as most cloned animals do not make it to term before being born, and many of those that do are born deformed or prone to illness. The Humane Society of the United States has asked for a ban on milk and meat from clones for just this reason. Second, there is still the concern that healthy clones may have subtle defects that could make their food products unsafe to eat.

As the Washington Post reports, some critics are asking why it is necessary to clone cows that produce huge amounts of milk when surpluses, rather than shortages, are the main problem facing the U.S. dairy industry today.

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American Samoa received eight minutes warning before 2009 tsunami

Friday, September 24, 2010

People in American Samoa were given only eight minutes warning that a tsunami, which killed 32 people in the unincorporated territory, resulting from the 2009 Samoa earthquake, was approaching. A report published by the United States Congress admits that the warning was issued sixteen minutes after the 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck Samoa. The tsunami killed nearly 200 people in American Samoa, Samoa and Tonga.

The report, written by the National Research Council, describes the length of time between the earthquake and the initial tsunami warning being issued as “relatively long”, and states that the standard time for such a warning to be issued to be around two minutes. The study also revealed that one third of tsunami sensors are not working at any given time.

John Orcutt, a [seismologist and head of the committee that wrote the report, described the delay as a “major concern”, but he also said that “a large number of people” in American Samoa “didn’t understand and there were lives that were lost because people simply didn’t take the action to get away from the shore when they felt this huge earthquake. People have to understand the signs of a tsunami and head to higher ground.”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, whose purpose is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities, and the Government of American Samoa did not respond to e-mails regarding the news.

The study also notes that people living in other coastal cities around the world are at risk of being unprepared for tsunamis that arrive soon after the earthquake occurs, stating that in many places, warnings might not be issued in time. “If the source were so close to shore that only minutes were available before the tsunami reached the coast, the public would need to recognize natural [signs of a tsunami approaching].” The report states that when they fear a tsunami is imminent, people should know to evacuate even “without official warnings.”

The report warns that because tsunamis are so rare, people living near the coast do not know what to do, but it also criticises authorities for not informing citizens of how to react when a tsunami is approaching. “Everybody thought that the tsunami was a single wave, and once the expected landfall time came and left, they thought it was over,” said Costas Synolakis, who is director of the Tsunami Research Center at the University of Southern California, and one of the report’s authors. He continued, “In fact, tsunamis are a series of waves that can last for three to four hours.”

He said that the United States must take action, training first responders in low-lying coastal areas, and adding more tsunami sensors to give advance warning of approaching waves. Synolakis added that, after receiving warning that there may have been a tsunami on the way after the Chile earthquake earlier this year, the response of firefighters at the Port of Los Angeles was poor because they were unfamiliar with how to deal with such a threat.

In the capital of American Samoa, Pago Pago, the tsunami measured 1.57 meters in height. The superintendent of the National Park of American Samoa Mike Reynolds reported four waves as high as six meters. People who experienced the quake said it was long, lasting from 90 seconds to three minutes. “Pago Pago city streets were strewn with overturned vehicles, cars, and debris. Some buildings located only slightly above sea level were completely destroyed by the waves, and power in some locations is not expected to be restored for up to a month,” Wikinews reported at the time.

Didi Afuafi, 28, who was riding on a bus in American Samoa when the tsunami struck, described her experiences. “I was scared. I was shocked. All the people on the bus were screaming, crying and trying to call their homes. We couldn’t get on cell phones. The phones just died on us. It was just crazy,” she said. “This is going to be talked about for generations.” U.S. President Barack Obama said of the disaster: “My deepest sympathies are with the families who lost loved ones and many people who have been affected by the earthquake and the tsunami.”

The people of American Samoa will, next Wednesday, according to a press release by the government, “hold island-wide services to honor the memories of the 34 loved ones who lost their lives” during the tsunami. Church services will be held at 6:00 a.m., followed at 6:48 a.m.—the time when the earthquake occured—thirty-two bells will be rung in memory of those who perished.

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Michael Moore’s new film ‘Sicko’ leaked via P2P

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A number of reports confirm that Michael Moore’s forthcoming documentary has been leaked onto Peer-to-peer networks. This is the second pre-release leak in a month of a film from Lionsgate Studios.

The movie, SiCKO contrasts the U.S. healthcare system with that of several other countries and includes a trip to Cuba for which Moore is being investigated. The investigation by the Office of Foreign Assets Control within the United States Department of the Treasury is looking into whether Moore has violated United States embargo against Cuba, which has been in effect since 1962 and codified in 1992.

Moore has, according to agency reports, stored a copy of the original film in Canada as a result of the Federal investigation by the Treasury department. His concern is that an attempt may be made to confiscate the section of the film shot in Cuba.

According to Associated Press, David Boies, attorney for Michael Moore, believes the targeting of Moore for his unauthorised trip to Cuba may be the result of the criticism of the current administration in such films as Fahrenheit 9/11.

Tuesday Moore was seen at two pre-release screenings of the movie in Sacramento, California. His audiences were a group of politicians and a number of nurses, each attending their own screening.

The movie opens with a cold statistic that approximately 45 million Americans are without healthcare insurance. It continues by giving examples of people with healthcare insurance who have been denied all or part of their treatment for technical reasons. As well as getting thousands of responses from people who had problems with their insurance he received information from people working inside Health maintenance organizations and ex-employees who claim the system is set up to provide the minimum care and the maximum profit to the company.

The segment of the film that triggered the Federal investigation is his trip to Cuba with a number of people who relate their experiences with healthcare. Among these are several volunteer workers who worked at ground zero following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. These people claim to have been refused aid from the fund set up for 9/11 workers and were thus unable to afford their required treatment. After an attempt to obtain treatment at Guantanamo Bay detention facility – which Moore described as the only place on U.S. soil where there is “socialised medicine” – they seek out a hospital in Havana. All are checked and treated free of charge. One woman discovers that an inhaler for her respiratory problems costs approximately five cents in Cuba compared to 120 dollars in the U.S.

Health insurance companies, speaking through their trade group America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), are critical of the film, which calls for healthcare similar to that of Canada, France, or the UK. “We need a uniquely American solution in which the public and private sectors work together to make sure that everyone has high-quality, affordable healthcare,” said Karen Ignagni, president of AHIP, on Wednesday.

The film is scheduled for wide release in the U.S. and Canada on June 29, 2007.

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Internet, The Future And You ! Dinosaur Or Survivor ?

By Chuck Magee

Google announced some months back it was completely eliminating its radio and newspaper advertising. That is the biggest vote for online advertising I’ve seen yet. Google was advertising on over 800 newspapers and 1600 AM and FM radio stations. They are for the moment keeping their TV ad services. I think the fact that it is the closest experience to web surfing for most people. Even television is getting to be more interactive, with DVR and Internet-enhanced programming giving more control to the viewers. Regardless of the reasons, the company whose name has become verb has decided that the old media just isn’t profitable enough to earn a spot in their media toolbox any more.

As the world shrinks more and more, expect to see more companies focus on getting their advertising on the Internet. The business with the fastest and most accurate advertising will be in control of the customers, because customers are learning to use faster, smarter interactive media now.

Internet marketing is not a specialty field any more, nor is it only for online


advertising agencies and big companies. Local online marketing is alive and VERY well, and it’s getting bigger and stronger with every new computer sold.

Are you still putting your money into the endgame of print advertising? How long will you ride it out before you acknowledge the paradigm shift and point your business toward the future? Don’t take my word for it — go Google it yourself.

Since the dawn of the internet, everyone has speculated that the face of the real estate industry would be greatly changed. That is no more evident than in the amount of business that we see generated by the internet vs. the various forms of print advertising. If you look at the fact that in 2009 84% Real Estate sales started with online searches its easy to see why. Websites are interactive but also allow searchers to link to Brokers sites for more information and pictures allowing them to weed out properties that don’t match their criteria.

The days of every client calling for a property showing have long past. I for one think this is not all good. I feel sales are lost from not being able to build trust with your client. Today, buyers have seen aerial photos of land, virtual tours of houses and have clear expectations of a property. I think we are going to see even more changes as Facebook gets bigger and stronger.

If you want to be successful in the future whether in Real Estate or any other public business you must get with the social media movement.

Internet advertising in keyword search and social media over the next five years is going to take total control of many industries, I feel that will be even more evident in Real Estate where trust is crucial and must be earned if you want to make a sale that is usually tens of thousands of dollars. Lets face it people talk to each other and that’s where Facebook and business social sites come in, engage or parish.

About the Author: Chuck Magee has been in the land development and sales business for almost two decades. In 2000 Chuck and his wife Lindey developed a website called The website was launched for uniting the real estate market in Land For Sale In Mississippi. In 2009 more sites were launched as sister sites for other states like Land For Sale In Louisiana and Land For Sale In Alabama.


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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Freedom Party candidate David McGruer, Ottawa-Orleans

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

David McGruer is running for the Freedom Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Ottawa-Orleans riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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What Is The Difference Betweem Tassimo T20 And T65?

If you are looking for a coffee brewer that are more than just a regular coffee machine then you might want to take a look at one of the most innovative on the market that does much more than just regular coffee, the Tassimo T65.

The Tassimo series contains of 3 different brewers also referred to as a brewbot, the Tassimo T20, T45 and T65, where the Tassimo T65 is the flagship, that does a little bit more than the other two. But basically if you are just looking for a coffee brewer, that can make you a good cup of coffee and of course a Cappuccino, hot Chocolate or a couple of other hot drinks without any other functions such as LED, water filter and a special cup stand light, then the smallest Tassimo T20 is the perfect choice that delivers just as good a cup of coffee as the both T45 and T65.

It is not that Tassimo T65 has the ability to make bigger variety of hot drinks either. The differences between the 3 of them are only in the design and technical abilities. T65 is the only one that comes with a LED display that inform you how to make you cup of hot drink and how long the brewer is in the process of making your favorite hot drink.


Another functionality the Tassimo T65 carries is the built in water system, the ensures to limit the amount of Lime and Chlorine in the water, this should give you are better taste but also protect the brewer, but here is it important to stress out that if you want to use this system so you to expect extra expenses every 3 months for around 15 bucks.

The water tank is bigger on both the Tassimo T45 and T65 which is nicer because often you want that extra cup of coffee without having to brew a new cup.

When it comes to the design the Tassimo T65 does look more classics and is built with much better materials like Titanium, than Tassimo T20 that comes in hard plastic, but where you have the option to change the colors. Tassimo T65 looks good and will do very good in a more conservative kitchen where design is a priority.

One very cool feature that only the Tassimo T65 carries is the cup stand lighting, that really gives you are very cool look and is very handy because it gives you a much better overlook of what you are doing with your coffee than just having the kitchen light on. The T65 is the only one that carries this function.

Whether you should choose Tassimo T20, T45 or T65 is more a question about whether you want all these extra functionalities than it is a question about how many hot drinks and how good your cup of coffee is. If you are just in for the coffee Tassimo T20 is absolutely perfect for you. If you want to have something classic and looks nicer in a beautiful kitchen you should probably go for Bosch Tassimo T65.

LED Display, water filter and cup stand lighting is extras that you really do not need and probably will forget to use after a month or so.

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There is much more to learn about Tassimo T65 and Tassimo T20 at our siteAuthor: Martin Christensen

Claims from British quake may run into “low tens of millions of pounds” – Insurance association reps

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Representatives from the British insurance industry have said that the cost of the earthquake which hit Britain early yesterday could be over 10 million GBP. The Association of British Insurers has said in a statement that the cost for the earthquake is “likely to run into the low tens of millions of pounds.”

The Senior claims manager at the UK bank Norwich Union has described the damage by saying that at the moment most insurance claims regarding the earthquake describe “minor damage such as tiles off roofs, breakages inside the homes and brick walls collapsing.” It has also been reported that approximately 1,200 insurance claims were made in the first twelve hours after the earthquake hit Britain.

These reports come one day after the United Kingdom was hit by a 5.2 earthquake. Tremors were reported as widespread as Edinburgh, Manchester, Sheffield, Middlesbrough, Cambridge, London, Birmingham and Southampton .

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Wikinews interviews Australian Statistician Brian Pink

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is responsible for some of Australia’s largest surveys, including the Census of Population and Housing, held every five years. At its head is the Australian Statistician. The current Statistician, Brian Pink, started in his position on March 5, 2007, following the retirement of predecessor Dennis Trewin. Wikinews recently caught up with Brian Pink to talk with him about his first year in the position, as well as his previous tenure as Government Statistician at Statistics New Zealand, and the state of mathematical education in Australia.

((WikiNews)) : Good afternoon.

Brian Pink: Good afternoon.

((WN)) : And congratulations on spending a year as Australian Statistician.

BP: Yes, it’s gone very quickly. (laughs)
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Yamaha Ypg 235 Worth The Price Tag?

Yamaha YPG 235 Worth The Price Tag?


M K Tan

A quick scan suggest that Yamaha YPG 235 is focused on empowering the user and making music more realistic and expressive.

There are 76 piano style keys with Graded Soft Touch feature. These keys are a bridge between weighted keys and pure synthesizer keys.

Besides the Graded Soft Touch keys, another great feature for smooth transition between keyboard and piano playing is the full keyboard fingering mode.

Unlike other 61 keys keyboard which are reasonably limited by the music that they can play, this 76 keys Yamaha YPG 235 features greater versatility.

Yamaha YPG 235 has 116 panel voices, 12 drum/SFX kits plus 361 XGlite voices. Most notably is stereo-sampled Piano, a selection of unique sounds including Sweet! Trumpet, Flute, Pan Flute, Soprano & Tenor Saxes and Cool! Voices including Galaxy Electric Piano, Organ and Rotor Organ.

In addition to that, you will find 9 top quality reverb effects that can reproduce the acoustics of a modest room to that of a concert hall ambience, along with 4 chorus effects to add richness to sound. What’s more, it features a one touch button to call up Yamaha Grand Piano sound plus a professional pitch bend wheel for even more expressive playing of brass as well as string instruments.

Users have the ability to perform remixes and listen to their progress by using the 6-track recorder, computerUSB connectivity and midi compatibility features.

Yamaha YPG 235 and Yamaha DGX 230 is essentially the same keyboard. The difference in model number simply indcates the different type of merchandiser (e.g. music store or mass merchandiser such as Walmart) retailing this keyboard.

Check out all the features of Yamaha YPG 235


76 piano-style keys with Graded Soft Touch

Pitch bend wheel

More than double the speaker output (12 W vs. 5 W)

Full Keyboard Fingering Mode follows piano playing styles

Performance Assistant Technology features Chord/Free Mode in addition to Chord Mode

Music Database 300 keyboard setups by song title

Yamaha Portable Grand Piano Sound

Yamaha Education Suite

6-track recorder

116 panel voices, 12 drum/SFX kits plus 361 XGlite voices

Digital effects: 9 reverb + 4 chorus

LCD Screen

Computer connectivity

MIDI compatibility

Who Should Get Yamaha YPG 235?

The basic functions of this keyboard are totally intuitive.

The extensive tools in Yamaha Education Suite plus the ability to record, review as well as monitor one s improvement makes Yamaha YPG 235 most suitable for novices..

Even so, intermediate players are able to make much better use of the sophisticated features and work their imagination.

When it comes to looks, this keyboard is similar to that of a professional instrument. In terms of features, it has plenty of bells and whistles to stimulate, inspire and also stimulate the users’ creativeness.

This keyboard has sufficient functions to allow the users to progress to another level.

Have a look at a critique by a current owner of this keyboard

Nathan A.E.

I could not decide between Yamaha YPG 235 and 535. I now have not any regret for purchasing the lower priced 235 because if anything is lacking, it is only the dozen extra keys in 535. This keyboard is very uncomplicated to work and has a lot more sounds than I ever know what to do with.

The graded soft touch keys is an excellent transition for an individual who is accustomed to synthesizer style keyboard. The YPG 235 features USB connectivity and general MIDI compatibility, in addition to a big assortment of top quality voices, In my view, the YPG-235 offers the buyer more bang for their comparative buck.

Review paraphrase for size

Investing in musical instrument is costly, so you want to make sure that you make the right choice. Click on

digital keyboard review

to read actual user reviews before you commit.For more information about

Yamaha YPG 235

, click the link.

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