Large forest fire continues to burn into third day in southern Norway

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A large forest fire that started on Monday, June 9 is still out of control in the municipality of Froland in southern Norway. The fire is the largest forest fire to occur in Norway since World War II.

The fire has spread extensively and it is estimated that approximately 2,500 acres of forest have been damaged. Approximately 15 cabins are reported to have burned to the ground, but as of yet, no permanent dwellings or farms have been damaged. However, many inhabitants have been evacuated due to the fire threatening their homes, including the entire villages of Mykland and Belland. There have also been some power outages due to power lines being damaged.

Approximately 140 persons, including fire-fighters from several fire departments, and personnel from the Civil Defence and the Home Guard are working to curtail the fire. Four fire helicopters have been deployed. The fire fighting is focused on areas where the fire threatens buildings.

Extremely dry weather, and difficult wind conditions, have caused severe difficulties in fighting the fire. Fire-fighters first had hope of gaining control on the morning of Thursday, June 12, but the wind changed direction during the day, causing a large extension of the fire. There is some hope that the weekend will bring some rain; however, this will likely not be enough to stop the fire. It could take several weeks before the fire is completely extinguished.

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Real Holistic Approach To Business: Analogy

Holistic approach to Business

Don’t get deceived by the word Holistic inside holistic approach; I’m not talking about some new age technique or Spa treatment. Holistic is a Greek word (You have to know that I’m really obsessed by etymology, because I know that every word is bind to a specific thought and thoughts can determine our destiny). Holistic approach means that We have to consider a specific system as a whole thing that is more than the sum of its parts.

Why Holistic?

As We know, every business has some mandatory parts that can be summarized in one simply word: humans. There is no business without humans. You can start offering services, produce stuff or even thinker amazing solutions to every problem, but if there aren’t humans that can benefit from your “Busyness”, there won’t be any Business. Humans, on their side, are another system that has to be considered, with holistic approach, as a continuous interaction between their three main “subsystems”: the holistic approach comes to hand even with humans.

The components of the Holistic approach to Business

What are the three main subsystems of a human being? (We can extend these to every living being, but for this explanation We are limiting our consideration to humans)

Soul: Every human has an Higher purpose, conscious or unconscious, that guides him through his life. This purpose is specifically expressed by an Idea

Thoughts: Our mind is the lovely connector between Ideas and Physical reality. It can take what We want from the infinite resources of our Soul and translate it in a physical shape, be it an object or a specific action plan

Actions: Actions are expressions of our physical body and are directly controlled by Our thoughts

By now We know that these subsystems, or level of existence, are connected. The connection is totally “natural” even if the comprehension of it is not straightforward. Because what can describe simultaneously the three levels is the Word (a word can describe an Action that is driven by a specific Thought that is bind to an Idea), We can use words to analyze the connection between Business processes (they’re processes between Humans so far, even if they involve a “digital servant” like an e-commerce), Business patterns, Financial process, Economic environment and even Real Estates investments.

There are two main ways to analyze things with words: the first is Analogy and the second is Logic. Logic is best used to control if what We have discovered with Analogy is correct.

Analogy – One of the way nature thinks

Analogy embodies the true creative process of nature itself: it mixes thoughts to reach new ideas, like matter and energy are mixed in nature to form newer shapes. If the new idea, like the new shape, can reach an equilibrium status, it can be manifested and it will be part of the “real things”. We can say that also nature has an holistic approach towards its creations.

Analogy is a great exercise of imagination, and imagination is crucial in business, especially when We confront obstacles that seem higher than us (and You can expect a lot of them): with analogy our mind can access the infinite resources of soul to bring new ideas in the field of possibility; what before seemed impossible, it turns to be only a matter of concentration and creative imagination to be tamed.

Analogy in different areas of Business

Let’s think at a simple analogy that can demonstrate the power of words (and inanglophonic languages, words are chosen to be very pragmatic, not like my first language, Italian, where words are more Philosophic).

Have You ever thought about the power of the word SHORT?

When someone says he is SHORT on money, he sees it like a negative sentence (and We can’t blame him). But speaking about SHORT to a Stock broker can translate the same word to a more positive meaning: is the technique that allows Us to sell stocks that are not in our possession… and make a profit with them! We’re not going to dig in technicism of how the Short selling works, but think for a moment. Selling what’s not yours is possible? Yes! And why don’t we consider it a solution from being Short on money? It’s a simple Analogy! If we’re not confident with paper assets (stocks, quoting one of my favorite authors, Robert Kiyosaki), We can think on the word STOCKS: does it means only a kind of paper assets or also tangible assets? How do you call the reserves of goods of a producer or of a shop? STOCKS! Is there a way to SHORT sell stocks that aren’t in our possession? Does the word Affiliate Marketing (I’m talking about business, not about employment as a seller) switch a little light in your head?

I’m stopping this example here (I have plenty of them, spacing many levels of assets, that I’ll share with you on my blog), leaving the reader the space to explore the infinite world of Analogic creativity.

Putting Experience into it

We know that Business is an expression of our nature as Humans. So, if you want to reach the heart of Business, you have to talk one of the nature’s languages: that’s an holistic approach, because as a human, You are part of nature’s system. Analogy is a pretty simple way of attaining it and it can be also used to find great teachings in our daily experience; it also makes quite clear the connections that are present at every level of our economic life and why it’s important to look at them with an Holistic approach: what can inspire You in a precise economic or financial area may be coming from another area or also from your everyday life!

Be creative and use Imagination, because as Napoleon Hill said “Imagination is the Forge that can express an idea inside a tool that can make you reach your goals”.

National Football League from United States Senators: zero tolerance on domestic violence

Sunday, September 14, 2014

National Football League (NFL) commissioner Roger Goodell received a letter from sixteen female United States Senators on Thursday calling for the NFL to adopt a zero tolerance policy on domestic violence.

The senators criticized the NFL for their new domestic violence policy enacted in August. The new policy says a player will receive a six game suspension for their first offense.

A video of Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice assaulting the woman who has since married him was recently released by website TMZ. The assault took place in a elevator at an Atlantic City, New Jersey casino. Rice was initially given a two game suspension; later, following the video release, the Ravens terminated Rice’s contract and the NFL indefinitely suspended him.

The bipartisan group of senators said, “If you violently assault a woman, you shouldn’t get a second chance to play in the NFL.”

The league stated they had initiated an independent investigation by former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller into the Rice incident.

The cross-party signatories were, from the Democratic Party,  Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, of California,  Debbie Stabenow, Michigan;  Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota;  Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, Washington;  Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire;  Kirsten Gillibrand, New York;  Barbara Mikulski, Maryland;  Mazie Hirono, Hawaii;  Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota;  Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts;  Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin;  Kay Hagan, North Carolina;  and, from the Republican Party, Senators Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, and Susan Collins of Maine.

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Australian state of Queensland will go to the polls on March 21

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Premier of the Australian state of Queensland has announced that the state will have its election on Saturday, March 21. In an address on YouTube, Anna Bligh of the Australian Labor Party said that she called the election due to the state of the economy and to stabilise the government.

“It’s time for Queensland to settle this election. It’s time to settle the speculation. So that government, business and the community can get on with the task at hand and not be distracted and destabilised by looming elections,” Ms Bligh said in the statement.

Ms Bligh has recently denied that she would call an early election.

“I have always said that I want my government to run the full term and I have not changed my view on this lightly,” she said.

“After 11 years in office, Ms Bligh only cares about one job: her own,” said Lawrence Springborg head of the Liberal National Party (LNP) and the Leader of the Opposition. “Queensland deserves better. Over the next 27 days, the LNP will build on our vision for the Queensland we all deserve.”

The Opposition need to pick up at least twenty seats from the government to overcome the significant Labor majority and a number of independents.

“It is a sad legacy of economic management and mismanagement of the Labor Government that after 11 years of the rivers of gold, our state is broke,” Mr Springborg said. “It’s a little bit like lighting a fire and then running around and wanting credit for putting it out.”

A March 21 election gives candidates twenty six day to campaign. This is just within the legal requirements. The Queensland Electoral Act (1992) requires the election campaign to last between 26 and 56 days.

The Queensland Greens nominated an environmental lawyer to run against treasurer Andrew Fraser.

“We can tackle climate change and create long-term jobs, but Labor can’t see that because they are blinded by the interests of their big donors – the urban development and coal industries,” says Larrisa Waters, the Greens candidate for Mt-Cootha.

“The Greens want to give the community and the environment a voice back in State Parliament.”

“The current stance taken by both major parties, in relation to Daylight Saving in Queensland, is outdated, out of touch and inflexible. South East Queenslanders are frustrated that neither major party is currently prepared to explore options on the issue of Daylight Saving”, DS4SEQ party leader Jason Furze told Wikinews on January 30. DS4SEQ is a single-issue party, focused on the debate on daylight saving time.

Indigenous activist Sam Watson will be contesting the South Brisbane electorate which is currently held by the premier. He will represent the Socialist Alliance. Watson campaigned heavly for indigenous rights since the 1970s and was a community spokesperson following the death of Mulrunji Doomadgee in 2004.

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Celebrities contribute to Katrina relief

Published:Wednesday, September 7, 2005Updated:Saturday, September 10, 2005 (Travolta, Preston, Moore, Stones, Three Doors Down, Johnson, Smith)

After Hurricane Katrina passed across the United States, various artists and media stars have leapt at a call to action.

John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston flew his private plane to deliver a load of supplies and tetanus vaccine to Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Part of a Scientology project which has been using their non-massage “assists”, in an interview Preston mentioned that “auditing” had also been performed on victims.

Kevin Smith is holding an online auction on his Web site.

Sean Penn actually went to Louisiana. After loading down a small boat with his entourage, it was discovered one of them had neglected to seal a hole in the bottom. Penn was wearing a white vest rather than a life vest while bailing. After the motor wouldn’t start, the crew paddled down a flooded New Orleans street. Bystanders jeered at whether any victims could fit aboard the crowded craft. No report on rescue stunts. Local authorities had previously been criticized for not allowing volunteer boaters in to help.

Morgan Freeman, whose home fared well, is organizing an online auction of celebrity items at, to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Curt Schilling opened his home to a family of nine driven out of their New Orleans home. The Schilling family will provide housing for the Fields for a year while their home in New Orleans is rebuilt and repaired.

Some celebrities “graced” disaster zones with their presence in the days following Katrina.

Singer Macy Gray and television personality Phil McGraw visited Houston’s Astrodome.

Celebrities visiting New Orleans include Michael Moore (opposite side of lake), singer Harry Connick, Jr., CNN’s Anderson Cooper, actor Jamie Foxx, singer Faith Hill, actor Matthew McConaughey, singer Lisa Marie Presley, comedian Chris Rock, and The Oprah Winfrey Show contributor Lisa Ling and interior decorator Nate Berkus.

Oprah Winfrey visited New Orleans, Houston, and Mississippi.

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Airport Valet Parking | Valet Parking Uk | Compare Airport Parking

Airport Valet parking | Valet Parking UK | Compare Airport Parking


John Mark2

Right now parking in Heathrow Airport terminal is not really a headache anymore, like a well-managed as well as expert valet car parking service are often be accessible generally there. This particular parking support seems advantageous for regular arrivals, offering them comfort and ease combined with the protection of the automobiles.

Heathrow Airport is actually London\’s 2nd largest airport terminal, wherever parking your automobile might be a significant trouble. It might be much more troublesome in case you are along with kids as well as heavy suitcases, or even getting later to capture your trip. Daily, lots of people is visible having difficulties either to locate a safe parking location or obtaining their automobile back following a sacrifice of fowl.|leaving the|a|using} lengthy tiresome trip. Good results. An expert valet car parking support, this issue could be fixed. Car parking your automobile within a guaranteed parking location, valet car parking service offers you comfort and ease together with a feeling of protection.


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John mark lives in country United Kingdom. He spends his time building blogs and writing articles on a variety of subjects to his knowledge.

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BBC to cut Electric Proms for financial reasons

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The BBC have announced they are to axe annual music festival Electric Proms from their schedule for financial reasons. The festival first took place in October 2006. The 2011 event will not go ahead, with last year’s festival being the last.

Bob Shennan, controller of BBC Radio 2, said he was “disappointed” with the decision to cancel the festival. He said “In the current climate, we are faced with making difficult decisions, including how best to deliver high-quality live music programming throughout the year in light of continuing efficiency savings. I feel that Radio 2 can achieve the same impact of the Electric Proms in an alternative, more cost-effective way. I’m disappointed that the lifetime of Electric Proms has come to an end, but very proud of its fantastically rewarding run of creating new moments in music for the past five years.”

During the festival’s five year run it has featured performances from stars such as Elton John, Neil Diamond, and Shirley Bassey.

The decision to axe the festival comes at a time when the BBC are planning a 20% savings cut. Last week BBC director general Mark Thompson announced 650 job losses after dropping five languages from the BBC World Service.

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Japanese survivor of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings dies, aged 93

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tsutomu Yamaguchi, the only Japanese civilian to be officially recognized as having survived both the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States in August of 1945 at the conclusion of World War Two, has died this Monday at the age of ninety-three, due to stomach cancer—one of the numerous illnesses that he suffered throughout his lifetime as a direct result of his exposure to nuclear radiation.

Mr. Yamaguchi, although he was against his nation’s involvement in the War, worked as a engineer for Mitsubishi—a company that helped equip and supply the Japanese Imperial Army. He was on business in Hiroshima at the time of the first bombing on August sixth. His almost direct exposure to the atomic explosion temporarily blinded him, ruptured his ear drum (leaving him permanently deaf in his left ear), and severely burnt the top half of his body. Three days later, having gone back to work in Nagasaki, he was approximately three kilometers away from the site of the second bomb. Although he was exposed to significant radiation in this instance as well, Mr. Yamaguchi was left relatively unscathed.

Following Japan’s surrender and the end of the War days later, Mr. Yamaguchi worked as a translator for the occupying American forces and later as a local schoolmaster, before eventually returning to Mitsubishi—which had since then become an automobile manufacturer.

In his later years, Mr. Yamaguchi became a respected lecturer who gave talks about his experiences, and publicly spoke out against the stockpiling of nuclear weapons.

For instance, in 2006, he addressed the United Nations General Assembly. “Having been granted this miracle, it is my responsibility to pass on the truth to the people of the world,” Mr. Yamaguchi said to the Assembly. He went on to say, “My double radiation exposure is now an official government record. It can tell the younger generation the horrifying history of the atomic bombings even after I die.”

When asked by the British Broadcasting Corporation what his reaction was to Mr. Yamaguchi’s death, the mayor of Nagasaki said that “a precious storyteller has been lost.”

Among the family and friends Mr. Yamaguchi left behind were his three adult children—who have also had health issues in their lifetimes thus far that they think may have be related to their father’s initial exposure.

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Couple takes lawyer hostage and said to have explosives

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A male and a female took 3 people hostage at a law firm in Statesboro, Georgia. Police blocked off a part of this rural town on Monday. Two suspects , a man and a woman, took a lawyer hostage and claimed that they had explosives.

The suspects, Robert Eugene Brower, 43, a former client of the lawyer, and the female whose name was not released, gave up after demands for cigarettes and food were met and they spoke with a family member.

The standoff lasted for 24 hours and ended, “peacefully,” at around 10AM said Larry Schnall, a spokesman for the Georgia State Patrol.

The last of the 3 hostages to be released was identified as Michael Hostilo. He and the other two hostages were not injured. There is no word on the names of the other hostages.

Earlier reports stated that there had been a “loud boom” coming from the scene at about six o’clock this morning. Authorities have not stated what the booms were.

Police are now inside the building to locate and defuse the explosive device that the suspects claimed to have had.

Initially when police arrived, there were 3 hostages, but 2 had been recently released and were unharmed, said Maggie Fitzgerald, a city spokeswoman. “They are upset with some legal issues within the recent past and want to get those issues resolved. We are doing everything possible to end this situation without anyone being hurt.”

In a news conference Monday night, Police Chief Stan York said Brower was angry about “having been convicted in a criminal case”, in which the lawyer was his court-appointed attorney. York did not elaborate on the demands of the hostage-takers, other than saying, “they only wanted to call attention to the case.”

Georgia State Trooper Larry Schnall, a spokesman for the Georgia State Patrol, said a SWAT team was sent to the scene.

This morning authorities convinced the two suspects to give-up, but “incidents leading to an escalation resulted in some gunfire,” Stan York in a press conference just moments ago. No one was hurt in the brief eruption of gunfire.

Police later said when the suspects tried to surrender they became apprehensive and made a threatening gesture prompting authorities to draw their guns and open fire.

The standoff began at around 9AM on Monday.

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Cosmetoloists Can Help You With Your Beauty

Cosmetoloists Can Help You With Your Beauty



There is saying which you must have come across; it says that every heart has special warmth for beauty. Yes, it is a very right saying and the reason is that every heart response to beauty, every heart wants to appreciate and applaud a person with shrine beauty. Traditionally we use to hear that inner beauty is much more important then the outer beauty but practically in present time what we can see is that outer beauty also keep an equivalent importance.


As we all know that the outer most covering of our body is skin, hence, it is important that skin is perfect in all aspects.Beauty is something which is not bound; it is something which is accepted by every one of any age, sex or country. Every country has the same meaning of beauty and hence, every where beauty is appreciated in the same way. When you meet a person what is the first thing which leaves an impact; it is the beauty of the skin. One this whole earth we won’t find evens a single person who doesn’t like beauty; beauty is appreciated by all.Any known or unknown person when meet you are first charmed by your personality and look; yes, beauty plays a very important role in giving boost to our presence. It is the beauty, the flawless skin, the beauty of hair and features along with your dress and personality is the very first thing which attracts people towards beautiful person. Beauty is something like a small magic wand which stuns any one and people are keener to stop and listen to you. If not stop then they will definitely stop and look at you ones in appreciation.Beauty not only makes others stop, it is something which gives you a self confidence, and it is like a booster which makes you confident of your own self. Not only this, beauty is something which makes you happy in your own self. You will be confident about your presence, your speech. Many times people take a lot of effort to make there presence beautiful. In this whole earth there won’t be a single person who doesn’t want to be beautiful. Now and then every one take some or other step to look beautiful, beauty is something which doesn’t stop with age or sex.Traditionally people use to take tips and advices from grand parents and relatives to have a flawless beauty but those tips and advices don’t use to help all and the reason is that every individual is different so there needs are different. So you need a good cosmetologist in Delhi who can help you with beauty tips and advices. For beautiful hair, you can take hair treatment in Delhi; there are hair specialists in Delhi who can help you up with your hairs.

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