Author Amy Scobee recounts abuse as Scientology executive

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wikinews interviewed author Amy Scobee about her book Scientology – Abuse at the Top, and asked her about her experiences working as an executive within the organization. Scobee joined the organization at age 14, and worked at Scientology’s international management headquarters for several years before leaving in 2005. She served as a Scientology executive in multiple high-ranking positions, working out of the international headquarters of Scientology known as “Gold Base”, located in Gilman Hot Springs near Hemet, California.

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Wikinews interviews a Restore the Fourth organizer

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A grassroots movement known as Restore the Fourth, dedicated to the protection of the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution, are to hold protests countrywide on July 4. The planned protests come in the wake of information about NSA surveillance leaked last month, notably the PRISM surveillance program and the collection of Verizon phone records. Wikinews interviewed Jett, a national organizer from this recently created movement.

((Wikinews)) First of all, could you explain what Restore the Fourth is all about?

Jett: At its core, RestoreTheFourth is about protecting citizens’ constitutional rights. Specifically, we’re dedicated to bringing awareness and action to the expanding overreach and elimination of the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution.

((WN)) What is your role at Restore the Fourth?

Jett: My job at RestoreTheFourth could be summarized as ‘project coordinator’. Every person who wants to help can help in a tremendous way. I simply make sure that their skills get used in a way that would be most beneficial to the movement: web development, public relations, etc. I also field questions from the press and promote knowledge of our cause.

((WN)) What are your plans for direct action, outreach, etc.?

Jett: Our press release includes a list of ‘demands’ for what we want to see in order to restore our privacy rights, including reform of the PATRIOT Act and increased accountability for public officials. In the very short term, these protests and demonstrations bring awareness to the issue, something that’s really important in enacting reform. In the long term, however, we expect to create a legal organization dedicated to restoring these rights inherent to every American. By partnering with various other organizations that share our moral values, we can further these goals.
On July 4, we will have over 100 protests in all 50 states, showing that the citizens of America are truly serious about protecting their rights.

((WN)) By what means do you hope to achieve such change?

Jett: This movement started only a few weeks ago, and since then we’ve experienced exponential growth and progress. Since the movement is still very young, plans diverge in the long term on what we hope to achieve. Personally, I’d like to see a combination of legislative and litigative action (something like what the ACLU does), and others want to see further plans of action. With organizations such as the BORDC, and the EFF behind us, I feel that we can achieve all of this and much more.
What do you think is the right balance between surveillance and privacy?
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((WN)) Is the movement US-only or will it extend to other jurisdictions as well? Do you think it would be fair for the US to spy on non-citizens?

Jett: I believe that rights are inherent to all humans, not only United States citizens. In the long term I’d certainly like to see people of all nations protected from the slow elimination of privacy that we’re all experiencing.
He’s [Edward Snowden] being treated as a ‘martyr’ of sorts. It seems to distract from what he truly believed in.

((WN)) What do you think about Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing?

Jett: I think that too much attention is being given to his personality instead of what he fought for. He’s being treated as a ‘martyr’ of sorts. It seems to distract from what he truly believed in — transparency for the government and inherent privacy for all Americans.

((WN)) What do you think about his future, given the legal grey zone in which he currently is?

Jett: Hard to say. He may be captured by any number of agencies, or he may live a free man. Whatever happens, he has the eyes of millions of people on him, all of whom will yell very loudly if anything occurs.

((WN)) Thank you very much for your time.

Jett: Thanks for the opportunity.
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eBay Australia to only permit payment via PayPal

Saturday, April 12, 2008

On the back of new restrictions being imposed on eBay users in the United Kingdom requiring that sellers offer PayPal payments for all sales, eBay Australia is mandating that only PayPal payments will be acceptable as of June 17. PayPal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of eBay, and charges a 30¢ transaction fee, plus a commission between 1.1% for high volume traders, and 2.4% for low value or low volume traders. These higher costs will be passed onto buyers.

Cash payment on pick up will be the only other payment option, and it may only be offered in conjunction with PayPal.

eBay has brought in this restriction under the guise of improving customer protection, bolstering its “Paypal Buyer Protection” insurance programme to allow claims up to A$20,000 instead of the previous maximum of $3,000, however as of June 17 many of the items which would exceed $3,000 are no longer covered by the programme, such as services, vehicles, real estate and businesses.

eBay Trust and Safety director Alastair MacGibbon said this change was not in response to the once-off fund established in March to refund eBay buyers who lost their non-existent holiday accommodation packages from the Melbourne eBay seller Robert Kobis. Mr MacGibbon said “It is part of a much larger initiative”.

In addition to these measures, Paypal will be withholding funds from some sellers for 21 days

.. until the earliest of the following occurs:

  • the buyer leaves positive feedback,
  • 3 days after confirmed item delivery
  • 21 days without a dispute, claim, chargeback, or reversal filed on that transaction

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has held discussion with eBay, but declined to comment. The Australian Consumers Association spokesman Christopher Zinn said the unique use of PayPal could give rise to competition issues, however if the costs charged stayed as they were, they had no further concerns.

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How Small Business Owners Can Cut Their Health Insurance Costs In Half

Small business owners cannow take advantage of Health Reimbursement Arrangements, or HRAs, as a way to cuttheir health insurance expenses in half. As health insurance premiumscontinue to grow, fewer small businesses are offering group coverage to theiremployees. For small businesses with healthy employees, establishing HRAscan be a great way to help their employees obtain permanent, portableindividual health insurance at a much lower cost than conventional groupcoverage.

Whatis a Health Reimbursement Arrangement?

A Health ReimbursementArrangement, or HRA, is simply an agreement by an employer to reimburse theemployee for their health insurance premiums and other specified medicalexpenses. This is considered to be a tax-free fringe benefit for theemployee.

Because family andindividual health insurance plans are underwritten (meaning that theinsurance company has the option of excluding a condition or declining anapplication all together), they are much less expensive than are groupplans. In fact, they typically cost less than half as much.

HRAs are also known asSection 105 plans, named after the section in the U.S. Tax Code that governsthem.

HowHealth ReimbursementArrangements Work

In today’s business climateemployees are quick to go elsewhere if they see a better opportunity.Providing good benefits is essential to retaining the best employees, but grouphealth insurance can be too expensive for some small business owners.

An HRA allows you toreimburse your employees for their individual health insurance expenses, takingyou out of the middle. Employees carry their own private coverage whichis totally portable and not tied down to their employment.

You no longer have toadminister the plan, and you no longer have to shop it every year. Whenemployees carry their own private coverage, there are also no COBRA issues todeal with when employment terminates.

When you establish an HRAfor your employees, you define what expenses that you will be reimbursing, andhow much you will reimburse. For example, you may say that you willreimburse up to $300/month for covered health insurance and medicalexpenses. If the employee uses less than that, any excess creditaccumulates for future disbursement.

When the employee has aqualified medical expense, they would submit it to you for reimbursement, up tothe amount of their HRA balance. You then simply cut a check for theamount of the reimbursement. It’s that simple. You count it as abusiness expense, and your employee pays no taxes on that reimbursement.

KeepingYour Employees Healthy

Most of your employees willincur medical expenses every year, including dental expenses and eye glassexpenses. Through an HRA you can reimburse your employees for theseexpenses with tax-free dollars.

The best businesses areabout more than just selling widgets and making money. The more thebusiness cares about the employees and the more the employees care about thebusiness – the more fun we have and the more successful we are. So whynot reimburse for preventive benefits like smoking cessation programs, weightloss programs, or even just annual physicals.

The great thing about HRAsis that you are the architect. You get to decide what expenses you willreimburse. You also have the right to exclude part time employees,employees who have worked for you for less than three years, and those underage 25.

Howto Establish Your HRAs

When you establish an HRA, all you haveto do is furnish a Summary Plan Description to all plan participants. TheSummary Plan Description simply describes who is eligible, and the benefitlimits that can be reimbursed. For instance, it may list the minimumnumber of hours they must work, their minimum age, and the number of monthsthey must be employed. It will list the benefit limit for reimbursementof health insurance premiums, out-of-pocket expenses, term life premiums, andpossibly other expenses. You must also keep a Plan Document in yourfiles, which documents the same information.

ABetter System for Employer and Employee

If you have a smallbusiness of healthy employees, an HRA may be a no-brainer. Keep in mindthat because your employees will be applying for individual health insurancecoverage instead of group coverage, their premiums will be much lower but theplans will each be individually underwritten.

Your employees will eachget to choose the insurance plan and deductible that best fits their individualneeds. Many are choosing Health Savings Accounts asa way to further reduce their health insurance costs. Once everyone isapproved they will have permanent coverage that is not tied down to theiremployment. And you can get out of the insurance business, for good.

Small plane with one pilot crashes near Virginia airport

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A small plane, piloted by sixteen-year-old Ryan McCall, crashed near Orange County Airport in Virginia, at about 9:45 a.m. local time Sunday morning, police said. He was killed in the accident.

The boy, Ryan McCall, a sophomore at Riverbend High School in Spotsylvania County, was alone on the plane. The plane, a 1974 Piper, model PA28140, crashed in a field just east of the airport. The plane belonged to Springfield, Virginia resident William Rushing III.

Flying instructors suggested birds might have contributed to the crash. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) are continuing their investigation as to what actually happened. Sixteen-year-old pilots are common, according to Virginia Aviation Board President Johnny Meza. He said a sixteen-year-old flying either alone or with a certified pilot is allowed. The NTSB predicted five to ten business days for a preliminary report.

The Spotsylvania County school district sent out a memorandum saying the school’s administration is working with counsellors to help students cope with the loss of their classmate. The statement said in part, “We were very saddened to hear the news about the death of Riverbend High Sophomore Ryan McCall.” Grief counsellors were available at the school to provide support to students.

The boy’s remains were sent to a medical examiner’s office for autopsy.

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Canada’s Eglinton—Lawrence (Ward 16) city council candidates speak

This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.

Friday, November 3, 2006

On November 13, Torontoians will be heading to the polls to vote for their ward’s councillor and for mayor. Among Toronto’s ridings is Eglinton—Lawrence (Ward 16). Two candidates responded to Wikinews’ requests for an interview. This ward’s candidates include Steven Bosnick, Charm Darby, Albert Pantaleo, Yigal Rifkind, Karen Stintz (incumbent), and Steve Watt.

For more information on the election, read Toronto municipal election, 2006.

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Put The Kibosh On The Cholesterol And The Kilos In Surplus Without Treatment (Section 5)}

Put the kibosh on the cholesterol and the kilos in surplus without treatment (Section 5)



Patrick Beaufay

The 8 sauces:

When you choose a dish worked out starting from natural food, i.e. cooked with the grill, the vapour or water – without another preparation – it is unmistakable that that a sauce is indispensable to accrue the taste of a product.I present to you 8 sauces performed without animal fat, being capable to accompanydifferent plates or products.Do not forget to use without restriction vinaigrette found on olive oil, grape pips oil and different wine vinegars, cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar or raspberry vinegar and all sort of herbs and spices.These receipts are for four people.Tomato sauce (with fresh tomatoes):Ingredients: 6 quite ripe tomatoes, 1 spoon with olive oil, 1 furnished bouquet, 1 white onion, 1 clove of garlic, salt and pepper.Peel tomatoes. Cut each tomatoe. Press to eliminate water and the pips. Heat a pan the olive oil, throw distinct onion there. Cook it 2 to 3 minutes. Add the pieces of tomatoes, chopped garlic, the furnished bouquet, salt and peppered. Let cook 50 minutes. Remove the furnished bouquet, pass the preparation to a conical strainer. Heat and the sauce has to be served in a gravy boat.Smooth sauce with herbs:Ingredients: 4 white eggs, 2 olive olie spoon, chive, fresh parsley, pepper and salt.Remit the oil and the white eggs in a large bowl. Go up to the whip to obtain a consistent and firm preparation. Add finely chopped parsley and chive. Flavor.Alternative: use other herbs (tarragon, parsleyl, basil) and other spices according to your taste.Barbecue sauce:Ingredients: 1 tin of 250 grams of fresh tomato sauce, 4 spoons of olive oil, 1 spoon of Armagnac, 1 large pinch of curry, 1 teaspoon of sweet herbs, salt and pepper.In a large bowl, mix the tomato sauce and the olive oil. Add sweet herbs, the curry and season. Cook in a pan ten minutes. Add Armagnac. Let cook a few minutes and serve it in a gravy boat.Robert Sauce:(traditional! accompanying the meat grills in an excellent way)Ingredients: 75 cl of poultry broth. 1 dl dry white wine dl, 1 spoon with strongly mustard, 1 spoon with tomato puree, 4 spoon with flour, 1 carrot, 1 dl grape pips oil , 2 white onions, 1 furnished bouquet, pepper and salt.Peel carrot and onions. Cut an onion and the carrot in slices. Chop other onion. Make heat oil in a pan. Seize the carrot and the onion in slices. Integrate the flour and the tomato puree. With tanning, add it the poultry broth and leave it cooking 45 minutes. In a pan, throw chopped onion, the vinegar and the white wine. Let reduce half. Pour in the pan. Leave it stewing during 15 minutes and flavor. Pass the preparation to the conical strainer, add mustard out of fire while stirring up quickly. The sauce has to be served in a gravy boat.Ravigote sauce: (without cooking and in accompaniment of poultry)Ingredients: 2 wine vinegar spoons, 6 olive oil spoons, chive bits, parsley bits, 2 branches of tarragon, 2 large gherkins, 3 teaspoons capers, 1 teaspoon mustard, pepper and salt.Chop herbs, gherkins and capers. In a bowl, put mustard, season, pour the vinegar. Well mix. To add oil while stirring up vigorously to obtain a consistent preparation. To incorporate capers, gherkins and herbs. Mix well and present in gravy boat.Vinaigrette with tomato:(accompanying cold fish boiled in a broth)Ingredients: 1 mustard spoon, 3 well ripe tomatoes, 6 olive oil spoon, 2 lemon juice spoon, 2 vinegar spoon of Jerez, salt and pepper.To plunge tomatoes in ebullient water to peel them. Cut its in 4 parts. Press its to extract water and the pips. In a blender, pour tomatoes, oil, vinegar, mustard, lemon juice, pepper and salt. Convert in puree. Reserve for the refrigerator and serve it in gravy boat.Sauce with mint: (accompanies the grills and the meat skewers)Ingredients: natural yoghourt with 0% fat, 2 chopped fresh mint spoons,1 paprika pinch, 1 crushed small pepper of Cayenne, 1 salt pinch.Pour yoghourts in the blender. Incorporate the different ingredients. Pour its preparation obtained in a bowl, Place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Before being used decorate it with leaves of fresh mint.Anchoyade: (in accompaniment of a part of ox or roasted horse)Ingredients: 2 small tins of anchovy nets (50 gram), 1 spoon of lemon juice, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 shallot, 1 spoon of chopped parsley, 1 olive oil spoon.Peel and chop finely garlic and shallot. In a mortar, crush the anchovy nets. Add in more 1 olive oil spoon, garlic, the shallot, the parsley and the juice of lemon. The preparation thus obtained must have the consistency of a pomade.This delicious sauce will be pasted on roasted farmhouse bread sections on which one will lay out the pieces of meats.

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Put the kibosh on the cholesterol and the kilos in surplus without treatment (Section 5)}

Food with cancer-causing dye recalled in Britain

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The British Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced a recall of foods containing banned dyes which increase the risk of cancer. The food products were sold at the Tesco, Waitrose, and Somerfield supermarkets.

A Bristol company called “Barts Spices” found the illegal Para Red substance in their Barts Ground Paprika, which was sold in 48g and 46g jars with a “Co-op” label. The batch codes on the affected products are 5032 and 5089 (expiration Dec 2007), and 5075 (expiration February 2007).

Tesco also found that their 130g package of BBQ rice cakes (expiration November and December 2005) contained both Para Red and Sudan I.

“It would be very prudent to assume that it could be a genotoxic carcinogen,” FSA scientific advisers told reporters.

“As a company committed to supplying only the very finest quality food ingredients, we took the immediate decision to withdraw our ground paprika spice from all outlets selling the product and advertised a product recall in the national press,” a Barts Spices spokesman said in a statement.

Sudan I is only authorized for industrial use to colorize petroleum products, such as shoe polish. Para Red and Sudan I are banned under the British Colours in Food Regulations of 1995.

Britain last went through a major food recall in February, when Worcester Sauce was found to contain chili powder dyed with Sudan 1.

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On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020

The following is the third edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2020 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

This month’s spotlight on the campaign trail includes interviews with the vice presidential nominees of the American Solidarity Party, the Bread and Roses Party, and the Unity Party of America.

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Can A Chiropractor Help Sciatica?

A chiropractor can help sciatica patients experience relief from debilitating pain. Chiropractic care is one of the major non-surgical sciatica treatment techniques. This is a treatment based on scientific principles, and many kinds of sciatica can be successfully treated by highly trained chiropractors. Chiropractic manipulation can treat a wide array of musculoskeletal disorders. Trained professionals offer manual manipulation and adjustments to the spine targeting proper alignment of the spinal column which helps correct the various conditions that cause sciatica. What Is Sciatica Pain?Sciatica pain is the result of the compression or irritation of one of the spinal nerve roots located at the back of the leg. Depending on the severity of the condition, symptoms of sciatica could range from a numbness or tingling sensation to acute pain in the leg or even trouble moving the leg. Chiropractic ManipulationChiropractic care begins with chiropractors diagnosing the precise conditions causing sciatica pain through a comprehensive physical examination. As the chiropractic care progresses, the patient begins to experience increased blood circulation and release of blockages for strengthening of the immune system. Benefits of Chiropractic CareSome of the advantages of chiropractic sciatica pain relief treatment include: Strengthening of the body Increase in flexibility and vitality Reduced response to painful stimuli Better blood circulation Injury prevention Reduced muscle spasm, stress, inflammation Improved coordination of the joints Improved immunity of the body Promotion of natural healingSince natural healing is one of the major aims of chiropractic care, it is a safe procedure and ideal for treatment for sciatica, musculoskeletal disorders, and injury. Why You Need the Right ChiropractorThe key elements of chiropractic care for sciatica treatment and other conditions are passive stretching, isometric stretching and massaging. But the basis of chiropractic care is manual manipulation. This is why the skill of the healthcare professional is vital. Gentle thrust of the hands can correct misaligned vertebrae and many other such spinal disorders. It ensures restoration of maximum body movement and relief from pain without surgery or medication. Non-surgical Sciatica Treatment Is Here to StaySciatica pain relief is not elusive and with reliable multi-specialty healthcare centers providing chiropractic care and other non-surgical treatment for sciatica, you can put your fears about surgery to rest. Can a chiropractor help sciatica patients experience relief? Absolutely! If youre experiencing symptoms similar to sciatic pain, get in touch with the experienced physical therapists and healthcare professionals at a reliable pain management center.