Renting Property Provides Lots Of Benefits

Renting Property Provides Lots Of Benefits


Jane Cooper

It is common practice for gas companies to rent oil-rich property. These companies assess a standard rate for leasing the land, but they also incur something that is known as a gas royalty. Because it\’s based solely upon the volume of oil the company is producing from the land, this income is different from the lease price. The name \”royalties\” stems from the fact that the landowner gets a percentage of the oil, but doesn\’t have to pay for operating expenses or drilling. A base income for the landowner is guaranteed due to the leasing fee; however a larger amount of money, or royalties, could be earned based on the income the company gets from the land. Per the terms of the lease agreement, the owner must leave the land to the company and collect their checks. Why would leasing land to a gas company be a selection a landowner would make? Listed below are a few reasons.

It could be more advantageous for the owner to rent the land and get paid while not having to do any additional work for it; of course this will depend on what the land had formerly been used for. If there are any concerns over how the land will be treated, it is useful to know that the lease agreement will state the terms of how the land should be kept. It will also include how it will be left upon completion of the allotted time of the agreement. The Environmental Protection Agency also monitors drilling companies very closely for potential spills or other things that could impact the environment.


What if you\’re tied up in the legalities of your contractual agreement, but want more immediate funds? One possible option is to sell your gas royalties. People choose to sell their royalties for numerous reasons. One possibility is that the royalties are part of a trust or inheritance and the liquid assets are needed by the trustees. Another conceivable reason for beneficiaries to sell would be if there\’s a big enough number of them so that it wouldn t be worth divvying up the royalty payment among everyone. Others could simply want to streamline their portfolio to make handling their funds more manageable.

If selling your royalties interests you, here\’s the common procedure: initially, a petroleum engineer will be hired to perform a valuation on your oil royalties to decide the proper price for the sale. An evaluation of the history of production is included in this valuation. They will also review historical cash flows and calculate production decline rates. All of these statistics are used to estimate future production from the well and determine the remaining gas and oil reserves to predict future profits. Giving you a fair sale price while making sure you understand any future risks is the end goal for any company purchasing the royalties.

Gas royalties are very common in the drilling world. The leasing fee helps to ensure that the owner will have earnings for the property; the royalty is a bonus dependent on production. Steady income with no work involved and the ability to sell royalties if the owner is in need of funds are two of the benefits to the owner leasing his land. It\’s almost foolish not to lease your land given how easy the process by which royalties are sold has become.

An acquisition company can certainly make the entire process of

selling gas royalties

extremely quick and painless. For more details on

Legacy Royalties

are attainable at the company\’s web page,

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Australia’s new controversial workplace regulations come into effect this week

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has urged the federal opposition Labor Party to focus on industrial relations (IR) as significant changes come into force from Monday 27th March. The legislation was passed in a row of controversy by parliament in December last year.

The contentious WorkChoices measures aim to move workers onto a federal industrial relations system and increase to the use of individual workplace contracts – under which conditions such as overtime and penalty rates can be set. The new WorkChoices arrangements include scrapping of unfair dismissal rights; the control by Federal government over state-based IR systems; more encouragement of individual contracts; award-cutting of award rates; secret ballots for industrial action and removal of the no-disadvantage test in new contracts.

The union movement has launched a fresh campaign to protest this week’s changes. ACTU secretary Greg Combet warns that some employees will feel the effects as soon as they come into force, because they will no longer be protected by the previous unfair dismissal laws. He says with the changes becoming enforced this week, the Federal opposition party must now concentrate on industrial relations and not on “political infighting”.

Australia’s Prime Minister, John Howard, says he’s prepared for a union scare-mongering over the IR laws, but assumes the campaign will fail. “I predict the scare campaign will go on,” he said. “I also predict that the scare campaign will fail.” Mr Howard says workers should wait and experience the new system for themselves and that the changes will give workers greater flexibility. “Over time it will be beneficial,” he said.

Combet feels different about the effects. “It’s likely, somewhere around Australia tomorrow, someone is going to be sacked unfairly and they’ll be the first victim of the new laws,” he told the ABC. “The really significant thing is that the balance of power in the workplace is shifting sharply to the business community, to the employer.”

Federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews told reporters last week that “the sky would not fall, because people would go to work next Monday and not detect any difference.” He described union protests as “hysterical outbursts”. “There is nothing in this legislation that people need to worry about in the ordinary course,” he said.

Despite the Howard government’s increased majority in the Senate, the passing of bill has not been smooth. In November last year, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators rallied across the nation to express dissent of the IR legislation. Ex-Finance Minister, Senator Nick Minchin, said most Australians “violently disagree” with the recent IR changes and there was a real prospect that the High Court could overturn the Work Choices laws.

The HR Nicholls Society, described as one of Australia’s most politically conservative organisations, has likened the new federal laws to the former Soviet system of “command and control.” Society president Ray Evans says he does not like the centralised power being handed to the government under the changes, nor its encroachment on states’ rights.

Evans says the myriad of complex new laws would create a system where “so-called IR professionals would stand to make a lot of money sorting through it… every economic decision has to go back to some central authority and get ticked off,” he said . “There is a lot of that sort of attitude in this legislation and I think it is very unfortunate.”Kemalex Plastics owner Richard Colebatch of the HR Nicholls Society said the changes are “very complicated for anybody to decipher… The professionals will spend a lot of money, the employers’ money, working their way through the mire trying to create the new rules people are going to work towards.”

But the Prime Minister says “more jobs will be generated in the small business sector as a result of the removal of the absurd job-destroying unfair dismissal laws, and the greater flexibility for people to make workplace agreements at the enterprise level will lift productivity,” he told reporters in Melbourne. “Sure some people will complain, but a lot of people will benefit through getting job opportunities. Young people, who will get an opportunity to put their step on the bottom rung of the ladder for the first time, will benefit enormously.”

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) said WorkChoices regulations do not go far enough in clarifying who can legally issue medical certificates for sick leave. AMA vice-president Dr Choong-Siew Yong said WorkChoices regulations meant employers and employees faced uncertainty and confusion over sick leave.

“The regulations fail to acknowledge two very serious failings,” Dr Yong said in a statement. “One, if people are seriously ill, they should be seeing their medical doctor. Two, opening up medical certification to a whole range of non-medical practitioners will make it difficult for employers to take sick leave seriously.”

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US Senate confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court

Saturday, April 9, 2022

On Thursday, the United States Senate confirmed Ketanji Brown Jackson as an associate justice of the Supreme Court, becoming the first African American woman to sit on the Court.

The vote was 53 in favor of Jackson and 47 opposed, largely split along party lines between Democrats and Republicans, respectively. Susan Collins (Maine), Mitt Romney (Utah) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) broke ranks with their fellow Republicans to cast votes for Jackson. Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the vote. Had there been a deadlock, she would have cast a tiebreaking vote.

Jackson and President Joe Biden watched the proceedings from the Roosevelt Room of the White House. Biden nominated Jackson on February 25 to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. In 2020, Biden promised while running for President to nominate a African American woman to the Supreme Court, the country’s highest. Presidential nominations are required to be confirmed by the Senate.

On March 21, Jackson was introduced to the Senate by Thomas B. Griffith, a former judge on the Court of Appeals for Washington, D.C. During her opening remarks, Jackson said: “My parents taught me that unlike the many barriers that they had to face growing up, my path was clearer, so that if I worked hard and believed in myself, in [the US] I could do anything or be anything I wanted to be.”

She closed with: “Members of this committee, if I am confirmed, I commit to you that I will work productively to support and defend the Constitution and this grand experiment of American democracy that has endured over these past 246 years. During this hearing I hope that you will see how much I love our country and the Constitution and the rights that make us free.”

On the second day of confirmation hearings, Senator Josh Hawley (Republican; Missouri) challenged Jackson on child pornography cases over which she had presided. He questioned a three-month prison sentence handed out by Jackson in United States v. Hawkins where the prosecution had sought two years imprisonment. Federal Sentencing Guidelines recommended eight years in the case, based on the number of images. Jackson responded that she disagrees with the current guidelines, arguing they fail to differentiate defendants, and are contentious by the Sentencing Commission.

Jackson explained: “Congress has given the judges not only the discretion to make the decision but required judges to do so on an individualized basis taking into account not only the guidelines but also various factors including the age of the defendant, the circumstances of the defendant.” The defendant in the case was eighteen years old.

On the third day of the hearings, Jackson was pressed on how to apply Constitutional provisions written over two hundred years ago, to current issues. Jackson responded: “It’s a process of understanding what the core foundational principles are in the Constitution, as captured by the text, as originally intended, and then applying those principles to modern day.”

Senators Lindsey Graham (Republican; South Carolina) and Ted Cruz (Republican; Texas) continued a line of questioning from Tuesday on light sentences which led head of the Judiciary Committee Senator Dick Durbin (Democrat; Illinois) to intervene numerous times on Jackson’s behalf. While Durbin said Jackson was being interrupted, he was accused of filibustering in the nominee’s favor.

On the fourth and final day of the hearing on March 24, Durbin announced the Judiciary Committee would meet on March 28, potentially setting up a vote on Jackson for April 4. That day, Jackson herself was not present on March 24 as the Senate heard testimony from other parties, such as Wade Henderson, president of nonprofit group the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Henderson said of Jackson: “Her background is absolutely extraordinary and her demonstration and mastery of the law is second to none.”

Senator Marsha Blackburn (Republican; Tennessee) requested access to confidential pre-sentencing reports in Jackson’s past child pornography cases. Reports of this nature are confidential to protect the victims. Durbin refused, saying: “I would not want that on my conscience, that we did this for some political exercise here, which I think is totally unnecessary, and someone was harmed as a result of it. I’m going to resist it every step of the way.”

On April 4, the Judiciary Committee voted 11-11 on Jackson, a deadlock broken by a vote called by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (New York) which sent it to the Senate floor.

Prior to her nomination, Jackson served as a clerk for Breyer, a federal public defender, a federal district court judge and a member of the sentencing commission, as well as an attorney in private practice.

The Supreme Court has eight associate justices and one chief justice.

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O.J. Simpson named suspect in robbery

Friday, September 14, 2007

Reports say that O.J. Simpson, a former American football player is a suspect in a robbery that took place on Thursday night at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Simpson was not immediately arrested and was later released. He was not a guest at the hotel.

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police (LVMPD) began to question Simpson and at least five other people, after they were accused of breaking into a room in the hotel, with at least one of the individuals holding a gun, but its not known if the room was a guest room.

Several sports memorabilia items, all previously belonging to Simpson, were reported to be stolen from the room, which was registered to sports memorabilia collector Alfred Beardsley, and reports say that when police found the items, Simpson claimed that they belonged to him. Among the items stolen is believed to be a suit that Simpson wore during his 1995 murder trial, an autographed item that had been signed by Joe Montana, and “never before released” version of Simpson’s book If I Did It. Simpson was found not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

“When they talked to him, Simpson made the comment that he believed the memorabilia was his. We’re getting conflicting stories from the two sides,” said Jose Montoya, a spokesman for the LVMPD.

Reports say that Beardsley was going to sell the items and made plans to meet with someone on Thursday night who was interested in purchasing them. The unnamed individual, along with OJ claimed to be police officers and ordered Beardsley to turn over his cellular phone, which he refused. He then claims one of the men “roughed him up” before stealing every collectible in the room.

Police are expected to release a statement to the media later today.

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The Color Of Your Car’s Exhaust Smoke

By Lawrence Reaves

Exhaust smoke is not a normal occurrence. It implies something is wrong with your engine. The challenge is to diagnose the root cause, so it can be properly addressed. If the underlying problem is neglected, it can worsen to the point that your engine becomes severely damaged.

Smoke coming from the tailpipe displays in one of three colors: blue, white, or black. Each color suggests a different set of problems, and thus plays a key role in the troubleshooting process. In the space below, we’ll describe the most common factors that can contribute to each color smoke.

What Does Blue Smoke Mean?

If you notice blue smoke coming from your tailpipe, it means that motor oil is leaking into one or more combustion chambers. The oil is being burned along with air and fuel when the cylinder’s spark plug ignites the mixture. Even a tiny amount can produce blue smoke. Over time, the spark plug may become fouled due to the burned oil, causing your engine to misfire.


There are several places that can allow oil to gain access to the combustion chambers. Each represents a possible leak. They include the various seals, gaskets, and valve guides as well as the piston rings. Unless you have substantial experience working on cars, finding and replacing the compromised part is best left to a trained mechanic.

What Does White Smoke Mean?

White smoke should not be confused with the thin wisps of steam that comes from the tailpipe when you start your car. Steam is the result of a blast of hot air passing by residual condensation within the exhaust system. It should disappear after a few minutes.

If you see white smoke, it means that coolant is leaking into one or more combustion chambers. Like the oil described earlier, it is being burned with the air-fuel mixture.

There are two main ways coolant can leak into the cylinders. The first way is through the head gasket. Sandwiched between the engine block and cylinder head, it is responsible for providing a seal that maintains compression in the cylinders, and prevents coolant from leaking. A head gasket failure results in a leak, which in turn produces white smoke.

The second way coolant can enter the combustion chambers is through a cracked cylinder head. This problem is less common than a blown head gasket, though just as serious. When cracks occur, they are usually due to overheating, which causes thermal stress in the metal. Cracks may also occur as the result of poorly installed components.

What Does Black Smoke Mean?

Black smoke is caused by excess fuel in the engine’s cylinders. The air-fuel mixture is too rich, and as a result, some of the fuel in the chambers is not burned completely. Of the three types of smoke you may see coming from your car’s tailpipe, this type should cause the least amount of concern. Your engine might suffer slight performance issues, and you may notice a drop in gas mileage. But the underlying cause of the black smoke is unlikely to lead to serious engine damage.

Several factors can cause excess fuel to end up in the combustion chambers. For example, one or more fuel injectors may have developed a leak. Or, if your vehicle is equipped with a carburetor, the choke may have become stuck in a closed position. The fuel pump may be failing. Or, your car’s powertrain control module (the computer) may be receiving bad data from an oxygen sensor. Troubleshooting the problem will likely require the help of a mechanic.

Regardless of the type of exhaust you see coming from your tailpipe, it is important to have the issue resolved. Black smoke is not as serious as blue and white smoke, but should be addressed to maintain your engine’s performance. Realize upfront that repairs for the latter two types of exhaust are likely to be the most costly.

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Six dead following flash flooding in Palestine, Texas

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

News reports on Monday indicated authorities in Palestine, Texas identified a sixth victim following flash flooding late last week. Giovani Olivas, 30, was reportedly swept away in the flood.

In under an hour late Friday evening, Palestine was deluged by seven inches of rain, causing residents of one neighborhood to flee to their rooftops. Over 30 buildings, included many homes, in the city suffered significant damage.

Lenda Asberry, 64, a retired school teacher, and her four great grandchildren also drowned during the flood. Onlookers reported the woman was attempting to get the children to safety when they were swept away. Asberry’s daughter told reporters water levels were up to the woman’s neck while attempting to save the children.

One resident of the area told reporters “[her] furniture was floating around” inside her home, forcing her to climb atop her couch to seek safety.

Dark skies blanketed the nearby city of Tyler hours before the storm struck. At least one government office located in the Palestine area was closed on Monday and was slated to remain closed on Tuesday due to water damage. A tornado also ravaged much of nearby Lindale, Texas, resulting in severe damage of at least one residence. The storm system moved up along the US eastern seaboard over the weekend.

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Saturn moon Enceladus may have salty ocean

Thursday, June 23, 2011

NASA’s Cassini–Huygens spacecraft has discovered evidence for a large-scale saltwater reservoir beneath the icy crust of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The data came from the spacecraft’s direct analysis of salt-rich ice grains close to the jets ejected from the moon. The study has been published in this week’s edition of the journal Nature.

Data from Cassini’s cosmic dust analyzer show the grains expelled from fissures, known as tiger stripes, are relatively small and usually low in salt far away from the moon. Closer to the moon’s surface, Cassini found that relatively large grains rich with sodium and potassium dominate the plumes. The salt-rich particles have an “ocean-like” composition and indicate that most, if not all, of the expelled ice and water vapor comes from the evaporation of liquid salt-water. When water freezes, the salt is squeezed out, leaving pure water ice behind.

Cassini’s ultraviolet imaging spectrograph also recently obtained complementary results that support the presence of a subsurface ocean. A team of Cassini researchers led by Candice Hansen of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, measured gas shooting out of distinct jets originating in the moon’s south polar region at five to eight times the speed of sound, several times faster than previously measured. These observations of distinct jets, from a 2010 flyby, are consistent with results showing a difference in composition of ice grains close to the moon’s surface and those that made it out to the E ring, the outermost ring that gets its material primarily from Enceladean jets. If the plumes emanated from ice, they should have very little salt in them.

“There currently is no plausible way to produce a steady outflow of salt-rich grains from solid ice across all the tiger stripes other than salt water under Enceladus’s icy surface,” said Frank Postberg, a Cassini team scientist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.

The data suggests a layer of water between the moon’s rocky core and its icy mantle, possibly as deep as about 50 miles (80 kilometers) beneath the surface. As this water washes against the rocks, it dissolves salt compounds and rises through fractures in the overlying ice to form reserves nearer the surface. If the outermost layer cracks open, the decrease in pressure from these reserves to space causes a plume to shoot out. Roughly 400 pounds (200 kilograms) of water vapor is lost every second in the plumes, with smaller amounts being lost as ice grains. The team calculates the water reserves must have large evaporating surfaces, or they would freeze easily and stop the plumes.

“We imagine that between the ice and the ice core there is an ocean of depth and this is somehow connected to the surface reservoir,” added Postberg.

The Cassini mission discovered Enceladus’ water-vapor and ice jets in 2005. In 2009, scientists working with the cosmic dust analyzer examined some sodium salts found in ice grains of Saturn’s E ring but the link to subsurface salt water was not definitive. The new paper analyzes three Enceladus flybys in 2008 and 2009 with the same instrument, focusing on the composition of freshly ejected plume grains. In 2008, Cassini discovered a high “density of volatile gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as organic materials, some 20 times denser than expected” in geysers erupting from the moon. The icy particles hit the detector target at speeds between 15,000 and 39,000 MPH (23,000 and 63,000 KPH), vaporizing instantly. Electrical fields inside the cosmic dust analyzer separated the various constituents of the impact cloud.

“Enceladus has got warmth, water and organic chemicals, some of the essential building blocks needed for life,” said Dennis Matson in 2008, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

“This finding is a crucial new piece of evidence showing that environmental conditions favorable to the emergence of life can be sustained on icy bodies orbiting gas giant planets,” said Nicolas Altobelli, the European Space Agency’s project scientist for Cassini.

“If there is water in such an unexpected place, it leaves possibility for the rest of the universe,” said Postberg.

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Seven bushfires near Perth, Western Australia

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Fourteen houses have been destroyed and another 3 damaged by a bush fire burning in Jarrah forests and farmland near the historical timber town of Dwellingup 70km south east of Perth, Western Australia.

The fire has also destroyed approximately 100 power poles, leading to a loss of telecommunication services to the town and affecting water supplies. Mobile generators have been installed for emergency power.

Steve Slavin, spokesman for Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), said that 250 fire-fighters are containing the fire with crews concentrating on the southern front, which is now within 3 km of the town.

Mr Slavin said “Our concern is that winds this afternoon will be swinging around to the south and increasing in intensity.” “It’s making us nervous. The advice we’re giving to people in Dwellingup is if they’ve decided that they will leave, this would be a good time to do it”

In separate fires near North Yunderup, Greenfields and Parkland have affected transmission lines supplying power to approximately 56,000 properties.

Additional fires are burning near Toodyay 85km north east of Perth, Another fire is burning near Williams approximately 160 south east of Perth and 90Km east of Dwellingup. And in the southern rural suburb of Forrestdale. These fires are reported to be under control.

Western Australian Police Arson squad are investigating these fires as some appear to be deliberately lit. The Police are also investigating the death of a women in her mid 20’s who died on Saturday after her car rolled while fleeing the fire near Toodyay.

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Get Maximum From Search Marketing Be Holistic

Get Maximum From Search Marketing – Be Holistic



Digital marketing has done much benefit in advertising a company’s brand. An important tool of digital marketing is paid search which has been quite a hot tool for marketers for the past 5 years. According to a report of eMarketer companies’ spending on search will reach $11,422 this year. This statistics not only shows the intensity of competition but also the growth of digital marketing. Thus, while consulting an advertising agency for its digital marketing campaign, a company always focuses on paid search. However, in digital marketing much focus has been on keywords and little attention has been paid to covert the clicks. Moreover, click is the first phase of digital marketing and the second phase which is the actual phase is conversation.


Search marketing thus require a holistic view in which the two phases need to be given equal attention. It’s not enough for an advertising agency to launch an ad for the client, successful digital marketing requires a company to optimize the clicks and take holistic approach. Landing pages needs to be optimized and thus paid clicks should be followed through. Thus, consulting reliable agencies is important in this era of competition. There are certain ways to address this issue. By following certain tips you can make your digital marketing campaign an instant hit. Therefore, while consulting a marketing agency for your brand, make sure that you discuss the followings aspects. First of all it is essential to create collaboration between the company who is optimizing the landing pages and the one who is responsible for the search campaign. Whether these activities are carried by accompany, a team member or a vendor, it is important to develop collaboration between them. Moreover, the speed of search and conversation should be matched. The real beauty of digital marketing is that a company can launch its ad and update it at the same time. Also, make sure that you optimize conversation within your company as well in order to make sure that the process of creating and updating landing pages is smooth. While designing digital marketing campaign, make sure that you include landing page test with each ad. The test page should be included including its messaging and call to action. It is also important to include important metrics of the landing page. Key metrics include const per acquisition, bounce rates, conversation rates and overall engagement. This will help tracking the success of your digital marketing efforts. These were few guidelines to ensure the success of your digital marketing. In today’s era, a company needs to make best out of all the available tools of digital marketing. The bottom line remains the same – how you convert the clicks matters and determine the success of your digital marketing campaign. Qudos Digital is a leading Digital Marketing Consultancy and can be contacted on 0845 388 5583 or

Qudos digital is a leading

digital marketing

agency provides consultation and information on digital marketing strategies.

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Looted, possibly contaminated body parts transplanted into USA, Canadian patients

Monday, March 20, 2006

Fears of contaminated bone and skin grafts are being felt by unsuspecting patients following the revelation that funeral homes may have been looting corpses.

Janet Evans of Marion, Ohio was told by her surgeon, “The bone grafts you got might have been contaminated”. She reacted with shock, “I was flabbergasted because I didn’t even know what he was talking about. I didn’t know I got a bone graft until I got this call. I just thought they put in screws and rods.”

The body of Alistair Cooke, the former host of Masterpiece Theatre, was supposedly looted along with more than 1,000 others, according to two law enforcement officials close to the case. The tissue taken was typically skin, bone and tendon, which was then sold for use in procedures such as dental implants and hip replacements. According to authorities, millions of dollars were made by selling the body parts to companies for use in operations done at hospitals and clinics in the United States and Canada.

A New Jersey company, Biomedical Tissue Services, has reportedly been taking body parts from funeral homes across Brooklyn, New York. According to ABC News, they set up rooms like a “surgical suite.” After they took the bones, they replaced them with PVC pipe. This was purportedly done by stealth, without approval of the deceased person or the next of kin. 1,077 bodies were involved, say prosecutors.

Investagators say a former dentist, Michael Mastromarino, is behind the operation. Biomedical was considered one of the “hottest procurement companies in the country,” raking in close to $5 million. Eventually, people became worried: “Can the donors be trusted?” A tissue processing company called LifeCell answered no, and issued a recall on all their tissue.

Cooke’s daughter, Susan Cooke Kittredge, said, “To know his bones were sold was one thing, but to see him standing truncated before me is another entirely.” Now thousands of people around the country are receiving letters warning that they should be tested for infectious diseases like HIV or hepatitis. On February 23, the Brooklyn District Attorney indicted Mastromarino and three others. They are charged with 122 felony counts, including forgery and bodysnatching.

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