US soldier who died after serving in Liberia tests negative for Ebola

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tests yesterday proved negative for Ebola on the remains of a US soldier who died in Texas after deployment to Liberia. The 24-year-old had been monitoring potential symptoms of the disease.

An initial screen was clear yesterday but a more conclusive test, mandated by the Center for Disease Control, was required. That also proved negative and state and national officials have been appraised.

The Killeen Police Department continues to investigate the soldier’s death. He has not been named publicly. He died at his home near Fort Hood military base. Fort Hood said the soldier had been involved in constructing a hospital to combat Ebola in Africa, and returned to the US on emergency leave earlier this month.

His self-monitoring was routine after deployment to fight Ebola. He was not directly exposed to the disease. One national government official anonymously told reporters Ebola concerns were prompted by a pool of vomit found alongside the deceased.

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Home destroyed by fire in Geneva, Florida

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A mobile home in Seminole County, Florida burned down last night, leaving a man and his dog homeless. The cause of the blaze was determined as accidental.

Firefighters were alerted to a fire in a wooded area of Geneva at around 11 pm local time (0400 UTC) last night. By the time they reached the scene the house had already been destroyed and a brush fire had been started. It took them about two hours to extinguish the fire which engulfed the house and it took about 40 minutes to contain the brush fire. To combat the brush fire the Seminole fire department had to bring out equipment normally used to combat forest fires.

Firefighters were still on the scene up to eight hours later to ensure that the fire did not reignite. The man and his dog escaped from the house, however the man did sustain minor injuries. The Red Cross will assist the man with food, shelter and clothing for a few days.

A State Fire Marshal office investigator revealed that the fire was accidental and was caused by an unattended grill which ignited the house and subsequently the woods.

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Australian Greens senator Bob Brown marks 10 years in Parliament

Thursday, March 2, 2006

As the Australian Prime Minister John Howard celebrated his ten-year reign this week, Greens Leader Bob Brown marked the 10th anniversary of his election into the Federal parliament.

Senator Brown has outlasted 10 other party leaders: Meg Lees, Cheryl Kernot, Natasha Stott-Despoja, Brian Greig, Andrew Bartlett, all former Democrat leaders. Pauline Hanson, Len Harris of the One Nation party, plus the Australian Labor Party’s Kim Beazley, Simon Crean and Mark Latham have all been and gone during that time.

Only Prime Minister John Howard and Senator Bob Brown are left standing as leaders in the Australian Federal Parliament. Bob Brown was elected to the Senate in 1996, and re-elected in 2001. He has introduced bills for constitutional reform, forest protection, to block radioactive waste dumping, to ban mandatory sentencing, and greenhouse abatement.

Senator Brown says his party has hardly been in the balance of power at any stage, yet the Australian Greens have risen in popularity. “We’ve become the third major political party in the country and we’re on our way to becoming a real power broker in this country and ultimately, the aim has to be becoming part of the Government of the country,” he told ABC Radio.

While there’s perpetual media speculation over John Howard’s possible retirement, Senator Brown says he’s full of beans and ready for the next 10 years. “And there’s no speculation about me standing at next year’s election. I can’t wait,” Senator Brown said. “Our election aim will be to rescue the Senate from the Howard government, and doubling our team is not beyond reality.”

The Tasmanian Greens senator predicts his party could govern the country one day. “We’re on our way to becoming a real powerbroker in this country and ultimately the aim has to be becoming part of the government of the country,” he said.

The Greens started with Brown’s entry into the Senate after the 1996 election, doubled to two senators in 2001, and has four had senators represented since 2004.

The four Greens senators and their staff say they will celebrate with a chocolate cake – and 10 green candles. The government held a gala fundraising dinner in the Great Hall of Parliament on Wednesday night to celebrate Mr Howard’s milestone.

Senator Brown said the success of Prime Minister John Howard is in his ability to play on fears. “(Howard)… is able to “dig a little bit below surface to play on fears that people have. He has presided over a country where the rich have got richer much faster than the poor have seen their conditions improve,” he said. “And it is a country that says if you are down on your luck, bad luck. The good Samaritan aspect which is very strong in this country, doesn’t reside with this government.”

Of the Federal Labor Party the Greens leader said they should move back to humanitarian politics He said Labor was trying to swing to the right but had lost its way. “I think the Opposition has lost its way and I think it is going to get worse,” Senator Brown said. “The indications are that the Opposition thinks if it moves to the right it will do better,” said Senator Brown.

Bob Brown is among 20 environmentalists, organisations and concerned citizens who were issued a 216 page writ by the Tasmanian-based timber company Gunns Limited in December 2004. The woodchipping giant is sueing for a combined AU$6.3 million for actions it claims has damaged their business and reputation. The defendants say the case is ‘industrial’ style litigation, alleging conspiracy, interference with trade and business and defamation. Nine different campaigns are cited.

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Important Criteria For Electronic Storage Of The Form I 9

Important Criteria for Electronic Storage of the Form I-9


Ann Allott

How do you make a decision about electronic completion and storage of the Form I-9? Is electronic completion and storage right for your company? What benefits will you gain by completing the


Form I-9

in electronic format?

Many companies would like to go paperless to reduce cost. Some companies may choose electronic storage to reduce the physical space required to store paper forms. Reducing cost, saving time, and insuring accurate completion of the form are the main reasons a company chooses electronic storage. Some employers may choose to complete a paper version of the I-9 Form and scan and save it. This is the simplest version of electronic storage. If your company chooses this method, once you have securely stored the I-9 Form in electronic format, you may destroy the original paper Form I-9.Electronic Employment Elibigility Verification According to USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services), you may complete or retain the Form I-9 in an electronic generation or storage system that includes: 1. Reasonable controls to ensure the integrity, accuracy, and reliability of the electronic storage system; 2. Reasonable controls designed to prevent and detect the unauthorized or accidental creation of, addition to, alteration of, deletion of, or deterioration of an electronically completed or stored Form I-9, including the electronic signature, if used; 3. An inspection and quality assurance program that regularly evaluates the electronic generation or storage system, and includes periodic checks of electronically stored I-9 Forms, including the electronic signature, if used; 4. A retrieval system that includes an indexing system that permits searches by any data element; and 5. The ability to reproduce legible paper copies. USCIS also allows electronic signatures if you complete I-9 Forms electronically. When a company chooses to use an electronic signature, the system for capturing electronic signatures must allow signatories to acknowledge that they read the attestation and attach the electronic signature to an electronically completed Form I-9. The system must: 1. Affix the electronic signature at the time of the transaction; 2. Create and preserve a record verifying the identity of the person making the signature; and 3. Provide a printed confirmation of the transaction, at the time of the transaction, to the person providing the signature. If you do not comply with the standards for capturing signatures electronically, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) will determine that you have not properly completed Form I-9, in violation of section 274A(a)(1)(B) Use these 25 questions when considering any paperless electronic storage system to help guide you toward an informed decision. The Form I-9 – 25 Questions Concerning Electronic Storage Systems 1) How secure is the system? Remember, you are storing very vital personal information on each Form I-9. Does it meet the criteria set forth by USCIS? 2) Where is the information stored? Is it on your company network or is it an on-line storage system? 3) What type of back-up is in place to ensure data is never lost even in the event of a natural disaster such as flood or tornado? 4) Who will have access to the information stored in the system? Does the system have an audit log to record every time a record is accessed and who accessed it? 5) If requested by ICE, will you be able to produce all current employees I-9 Forms and all terminated employees I-9 Forms going back 3 years time within 3 business days? 6) If you cannot produce the documents according to a legitimate Government request within 3 days, does the software/system provider have insurance to cover your companys losses and fines for failure to produce within the time allowed? 7) What provisions are in place in the system for complying with various State specific employment verification issues? 8) What provisions are in place to handle the Form I-9 if an employee is transferred to a new location? 9) Does the program have a tickler system to remind you when I-9 Forms need updating when work authorization documents expire that are necessary to re-verify? 10) Does the program provider offer a training program for field agents who will be completing the Form I-9? 11) Does the provider offer training concerning the use of E-verify and /or SSNVS (Social Security Number Verification Service)? 12) Who will observe the prospective employee complete Section 1 of the Form I-9? 13) Who will observe the prospective employees physical appearance and identity documents to ascertain they appear to be the documents of the individual who is presenting them? 14) Can an applicant complete the form without including his/her Social Security number in Section 1? 15) Is there a place in the system to store the date of termination? 16) What provisions are in place for updating the Form I-9 when an employee changes their name for payroll purposes? 17) How are the ID and work authorization documents produced by the employee stored? 18) Can the system store the confirmation or non-confirmation returned by E-verify? 19) Are you able to store SSNVS results? 20) Are there provisions in place to handle special circumstances such as; a. An employee who enters the US on an L-1A and E-verify will not certify they are eligible to work? b. What do you do when a new hire shows a Native American card and E-verify will not certify them? c. What do you do when a foreign worker applies for a Social Security number and is rejected by the SSA without a receipt because their system does not yet have his or her entry into the US? d. If an employee is rejected because he or she presented documents that did not match the E-verify document, such as an I-551, and the same applicant comes back with a new name and new documents and passes E-verify, how is it processed? 21) Does the system provider have insurance to cover losses if, as a result of their system, a person is successful in collecting double wages at USDOJ/OSC because the applicant was not hired? 22) Does the system provider offer advice about policies that should be in place to keep the system current with government standards? 23) Does the provider recommend the use of IMAGE (Ice Mutual Agreement with Employers)? 24) Does the provider train clients on how to recognize fake identity documents? 25) If a new hire presents a Green Card, what number from the I-551 (lawful permanent resident card) does the system require in Section 2, List A? Completing and storing I-9 Forms electronically can be a great solution for most employers. It is important to do your homework and make an informed decision before selecting the electronic storage system that best suits your type of business. Form I-9, Employment Eligibility VerificationAllott Immigration Law Firm

specializes in all aspects of immigration law. Their team of dedicated lawyers assists clients on a worldwide basis with Form I-9 Compliance, Employer Sanctions Law, Visas, Detention & Removal Proceedings, Citizenship & Naturalization and U.S. Passports.

Article Source:

Food with cancer-causing dye recalled in Britain

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The British Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced a recall of foods containing banned dyes which increase the risk of cancer. The food products were sold at the Tesco, Waitrose, and Somerfield supermarkets.

A Bristol company called “Barts Spices” found the illegal Para Red substance in their Barts Ground Paprika, which was sold in 48g and 46g jars with a “Co-op” label. The batch codes on the affected products are 5032 and 5089 (expiration Dec 2007), and 5075 (expiration February 2007).

Tesco also found that their 130g package of BBQ rice cakes (expiration November and December 2005) contained both Para Red and Sudan I.

“It would be very prudent to assume that it could be a genotoxic carcinogen,” FSA scientific advisers told reporters.

“As a company committed to supplying only the very finest quality food ingredients, we took the immediate decision to withdraw our ground paprika spice from all outlets selling the product and advertised a product recall in the national press,” a Barts Spices spokesman said in a statement.

Sudan I is only authorized for industrial use to colorize petroleum products, such as shoe polish. Para Red and Sudan I are banned under the British Colours in Food Regulations of 1995.

Britain last went through a major food recall in February, when Worcester Sauce was found to contain chili powder dyed with Sudan 1.

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Communist Party candidate Shona Bracken, Toronto Danforth

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Shona Bracken is running for the Communist Party in the Ontario provincial election in Toronto—Danforth. Wikinews interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

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Others named in lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Buffalo, New York —A copy has been obtained of the lawsuit filed against the City of Buffalo for allegedly fast-tracking a seven million dollar hotel proposal.

The Elmwood Village Hotel is a 72-room, seven-million-dollar hotel proposed by Savarino Construction Services Corporation and designed by architect Karl Frizlen of the Frizlen Group. Its construction would require the demolition of at least five buildings, currently at 1109-1121 Elmwood, which house several shops and residents. Although the properties are “under contract,” it is still not known whether Savarino Construction actually owns the buildings. It is believed that Hans Mobius, a resident of Clarence, New York and former Buffalo mayoral candidate, is still the owner. The hotel is expected to be a franchise of the Wyndham Hotels group.

According to official court documents, there are more defendants than previously thought. Documents state that not only Buffalo’s Common Council and Planning Board are named in the lawsuit, but also the Mayor of Buffalo, Byron W. Brown, Savarino Construction Services Corporation, Hans J. Mobius and his son Hans S. Mobius owners of the properties at stake, Pano Georgiadis, owner of Pano’s Restaurant on Elmwood, and Cendant Corporation, the parent company of Wyndham Hotels are also named in the suit.

According to the lawsuit, during the length of the trial, Savarino Construction along with their employees, Hans Mobius and his son are not allowed to make any alterations or “engage in the physical alteration” of any of the said properties, 1109-1121 Elmwood and 9999 Forest. The suit also states that the owner of 605 Forest, Pano Georgiadis is also to follow the same rule.

The suit also states that Hans Mobius, his son and employees or “agents” are not allowed to “take any step, lawful or otherwise, to terminate [the] petitioners, Nancy Pollina and Patricia Morris,” owners of Don Apparel at 1119 Elmwood “tenancies.” Although the business is owned by Pollina and Morris, they are without a lease.

Within the suit it states that the rezoning of the properties 1119-1121 Elmwood and 605 Forest, by the Common Council, from a ‘R3’ Dwelling District to a C2 commercial zone “constitutes as impermissible ‘spot-zoning'” and is “not in accord with a well-considered plan for the development of the community and is null and void.” According to the suit the courts of New York have defined spot-zoning as “the process of singling out a small parcel of land for a use classification totally different from that of the surrounding area, for the benefit of the owner of such properties and to the detriment of other owners.” The suit also states that the proposed site for the hotel is different from the surrounding properties because none of the zoning classifications, ‘EB’ [Elmwood Avenue Business District], ‘R3’ [Dwelling District], ‘R1’ [One Family District] and ‘R2’ [Dwelling District], permit the construction and operation of a hotel.

It is alleged that Savarino Construction “failed to utilize forms obtainable from the city clerks office, failed to include an accurate map or survey showing the location of all buildings and structures and failed to include the names and addresses of each of the owners of the properties to be rezoned.”

It is also believed that recommendation in regards to [hotel] compatibility, different land uses, traffic studies, community character, population density, relations between other residents and business owners, public convenience, governmental efficiency, and achieving and maintaining a satisfied community, were to be sent to Erie County’s Planning agency and was to refer Savarino’s rezoning application and site plan to the agency, however; the lawsuit alleges that although a referral was given to Savarino, it “does not appear that the ‘full statement of such proposed action’ was forwarded to the County [Agency].”

The suit also alleges that the Common Council “failed to wait the ‘statutorily-mandated’ 30-days after the County’s Planning Agency’s receipt” of recommendations from the Council. The County’s Planning Agency replied to the recommendations, however; the Agency replied on March 27, 2006, just six days after the Council made its recommendations, falling well short of the “statutorily-mandated” thirty days. The Agency’s reply however, did not support or oppose the recommendations or hotel proposal.

Public hearings are required to be registered by the City clerk to the City Planning Board, and according to the suit, “no record” of the Public hearing on March 7, presenting the initial proposal to the public, was made within the City’s Clerk office or Planning Board.

The suit also alleges that the Common council and Planning Board also violated the State’s Environmental Quality Review Act or SEQRA and the City’s Environmental Review Ordinance by allowing the Planning Board to be the “lead agency” instead of the Common Council. A lead agency is an involved agency principally responsible for undertaking or approving an action and therefore responsible for determining whether an Environmental Impact Statement or EIS is needed, according to the SEQRA regulations. The suit also states that the hotel proposal “constitutes an action under the SEQRA” because the project could “affect the environment by changing the use, appearance or condition of any natural resource or structure that requires one or more approvals from an agency or agencies” and that the Common Council and Planning Board are “obliged to comply with both the letter [recommendations] and spirit of the SEQRA review process” which include identifying the areas of environmental concerns and taking a “hard look” at them. The suit also claims that the Common Council has the “sole authority to grant Savarino Construction’s rezoning request” and “to approve the special development plan,” but it also claims that the Planning Board is “an involved agency” but that it is “clearly subordinate to that of the Common Council” therefore the decision made by both the Council and Planning Board to allow the Planning Board to be the ‘lead agency,’ is in “violation” of the State’s SEQRA and “renders all determinations” made by the Planning Board and Common Council on March 14, 21, and 28, 2006, “void and unauthorized.” It goes on to say that the Council “proceeded without or in excess of their jurisdiction, and/or made a determination in violation of lawful procedure, affected by an error of law, and/or in an arbitrary and capricious manner.” It also states that unless the requirements of the SEQRA are met, then the petitioners have the right to “seek a temporary restraining order” from the Court if circumstances require it.

The suit also states that a failure to grant a preliminary injunction, through the courts, will result in “irreparable injury” to the petitioners and that the Council and Planing Board have failed to comply with the requirements of the SEQRA and have violated several other state laws and city codes.

So far, Savarino Construction has not responded to any calls or e-mails. District councilman Joseph Golombek also has not responded. Georgiadias was unavailable for comment.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled to take place at 9:30 a.m. on June 8, 2006 in the Supreme Court building at 50 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo, on the 8th floor, part 31.

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Why You Should Contact Asphalt Pavers In Norwich, Ct

April, 2014 byAlma Abell

When you decide it is time to proceed with paving your driveway, you will need to get in touch with asphalt pavers in Norwich, CT. These professionals will come to your home and provide you with a comprehensive estimate after examining your driveway and determining how much work needs to be done. The usual starting point is to grade the driveway and compact the materials that are left. Some road base may need to be added to the surface and compacted once again. After all of this work has been done, asphalt can be applied to the prepared surface. Preparation is the key to a successful paving job because without it, the driveway may buckle and fail in certain areas.

Experienced asphalt pavers in Norwich, CT know exactly what needs to be done to complete your driveway. They can tell you the cost of preparation and materials before they do the work. When you decide to proceed, a crew will show up at your house to carry out the agreed contract and get the work done. The entire job should usually be completed in a week or less, but this largely depends upon how long your driveway is and how much preparation work must be done in advance of the paving job.

The companies that can take care of quality asphalt paving are experienced with this kind of work. They have been doing it for many years and are aware of the need for taking the right amount of time to get the work done, so the finished product is one you will be satisfied with. Asphalt pavers in Norwich, CT tend to be extremely busy at certain times of the year, so if you decide you would like to have your driveway paved this year, you should contact a company well in advance of the busy summer season and make arrangements to get your driveway paved. A representative will want to come to your home and take a look at your driveway in advance of the work to ensure that it can all be done in a specific time frame.

For more information, visit online

Australian Jesse Williams drafted in fifth round by the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday, the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks drafted Brisbane, Australia native nose tackle Jesse Williams in the fifth round of the NFL Draft. Going into the draft, there were some expectations by the Brisbane Times and other media outlets that Williams might be selected in the first round. Injuries, which resulted in Williams being unable to participate fully in the NFL Combine, likely were reasons why he was not selected higher.

Gridiron football is not the most popular football code in Australia, with rugby league, rugby union, soccer, and Australian rules football all being more popular participation sports. Williams’ youth sporting career reflected this, with Williams playing rugby union until he was 15 years old at which time he switched codes and joined the local gridiron team, the Bayside Ravens. A year later, his playing ability earned him a scholarship offer from the University of Hawaii. He could not meet the university’s academic standards so eventually he attended Western Arizona Community College instead. In 2011, he transferred to the University of Alabama and played for the Alabama Crimson Tide for two seasons. Both seasons, his Crimson Tide team won the national championship.

Williams’ selection is unique amongst Australians as most Australians who have played in the NFL have been kickers. He is also only the second Australian ever to be drafted in the NFL Draft.

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Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

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