2008 COMPUTEX Taipei: Three awards, One target

Monday, June 23, 2008

2008 COMPUTEX Taipei, the largest trade fair since its inception in 1982, featured several seminars and forums, expansions on show spaces to TWTC Nangang, great transformations for theme pavilions, and WiMAX Taipei Expo, mainly promoted by Taipei Computer Association (TCA). Besides of ICT industry, “design” progressively became the critical factor for the future of the other industries. To promote innovative “Made In Taiwan” products, pavilions from “Best Choice of COMPUTEX”, “Taiwan Excellence Awards”, and newly-set “Design and Innovation (d & i) Award of COMPUTEX”, demonstrated the power of Taiwan’s designs in 2008 COMPUTEX Taipei.

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Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

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Wikinews interviews Jeremy Hanke, editor of MicroFilmmaker Magazine

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wikinews held an exclusive interview with Jeremy Hanke, editor of MicroFilmmaker Magazine. The magazine, which is free to read online, was started as a resource for the low budget moviemaker and features book, independent film, equipment and software reviews as well as articles on film distribution, special effects and lighting.

He says that one of the goals of the magazine is to “connect low-budget filmmakers via a feeling of community, as many…..often compete so viciously against one another in film festivals for coveted “shots” with Hollywood, that they can quickly forget their similarities.”

When asked if films made on a shoestring budget can really compete with those made for millions of dollars, he replied, “no…yes…and absolutely. Allow me to explain.” And so he does in the interview below.

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Enjoy A Los Angeles Hot Tub

Enjoy A Los Angeles Hot Tub


Claire Winters

Hot tubs are very popular these days with many people taking pleasure in them. There are important rules of safety to go by in order to get the most enjoyment out of your hot tub. Here are a few of the guidelines you should follow when you decide to use Los Angeles hot tubs.

Exactly why do people enjoy hot tubs so much? For many people it’s the temperature. Hot tubs can be extremely soothing, however the temperature shouldn’t be too hot. The temperature ought to be monitored so that it doesn t reach a place where it may scald the users. Several hot tubs use a digital thermometer that allows the users to observe the temperature any time. If your hot tub does not have one of these simple thermometers, you will need to get a floating thermometer to keep in the hot tub at all times. You can then monitor the temperature of the hot tub and switch the temperature down if the water begins to get too hot.

If the temperature of the hot tub is way too hot it may often be dangerous for many people. It is recommended by doctors that if you’re pregnant or perhaps a younger child that you ought to avoid getting in a hot tub. Children have much more sensitive skin than adults and their vulnerable skin can burn if the temperature is too warm. Women that are expecting may lose their unborn baby if they enter into water that’s too hot. In addition, individuals that have problems with certain diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, may need to speak with their physician before they think about getting into a hot tub. The warm water temperatures may cause serious injury to individuals who may already be suffering from certain illnesses. Tracking your health problem prior to deciding to get inside a hot tub is very important so you don t put yourself in danger of injury.


The top section of hot tubs may become very slick. As people get in and out of the tub, the ground can be wet and slick. You will need to hold onto the stair railing when getting in and out of the hot tub. Walk slowly along the surface and don’t run. Make sure your other guest are aware of this as well.

Specific chemicals are used in the hot tub so you avoid having harmful water conditions. You will have to clean your hot tub on a regular basis to keep it clean of bacteria as well as other harmful substances. For those who have quite a number of people in your hot tub, make sure you regularly monitor the chemical levels so you can add more chemicals as needed. Many hot tubs were created with a specific amount of people in mind. If you’re over the limit of people in the hot tub, there may be a greater chance that an injury can occur. Maintaining the proper number of people in the hot tub will guarantee that you as well as your guest, will remain safe. You might want to post a sign outside of the hot tub informing people of the number of individuals that the hot tub should really hold at one time.

It is fairly popular for individuals to put lights around their hot tub, so the water can be lit up at night. Be very mindful when doing this and verify that all the wires from the lights are covered and guarded correctly. It is never a good idea to mix water with electricity, since it can cause serious injury as well as death. You might want to hire an educated electrician so you can be assured that the work with the electrical wires have been shielded from the water.

Using a Los Angeles hot tub is extremely popular and could be just the ticket for a way to kick back and relax. By following safety rules, you can eliminate some of the risks that can come from using a hot tub. When you are the owner of a hot tub, you will need to educate your family and friends of all the rules that go together with the hot tub.

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Enjoy A Los Angeles Hot Tub

Wikinews Shorts: May 7, 2007

A compilation of brief news reports for Monday, May 7, 2007.

A 30 meter section of a gas pipeline in Luka (near Kiev) in Ukraine has been destroyed by an explosion. Although supplies to Europe via this pipeline have stopped, Ukrainian Energy Minister Georgi E. Boyko said that supplies to Europe would not be affected.

“There are no changes in volumes of gas being transported,” Yuri Korolchuk said. “Volumes due to pass through the damaged section are being redirected through the Soyuz pipeline.”

Normal flows are reported in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania.


  • “Blast damages pipeline in Ukraine” — Russia Today, May 8, 2007
  • Natalya Zinets, Reuters. “Blast hits Ukraine gas pipeline” — The Scotsman, May 7, 2007

Copper prices are rising. Between record copper imports from China, and a mining strike in Peru, the prices have climbed to over $8100 (United States dollars) a tonne, for a gain of $575 dollars over the last week. However the upward trend is not new, it has been climbing for quite some time. In April 2003, the price of copper was under $2000 a tonne.

The metal market has been tending up due to growth in the Chinese industrial production. This trickles down to the local level, where the buying price at scrap yards is ever climbing, making scrap metal collection a more profitable endeavour for individual people using pick up trucks or other such vehicles to collect and cash in the scrap metal at metal buying yards. It can be collected via agreements with businesses, from the garbage, or, sometimes, by theft.

Copper prices fell today on the NYMEX commodity exchange from US$3.7545 per pound to US$3.7125 based on the July futures contract.


This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
  • “Copper up but crude oil down” — Financial Express, May 6, 2007
  • Millie Munshi. “Metals Bubble Poised to Burst on Increasing Supplies” — Bloomberg L.P., May 7, 2007
  • “Commodity Futures” — Bloomberg L.P., accessed May 7, 2007

One man was killed and another injured by an exploding backpack in the parking lot of the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The explosion happened at 4 a.m. PDT when the victim tried to remove a the object left on top of his car.

Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are on the scene. Aerial images did not show any apparent damage.

“We believe the victim was the intended target of this,” Bill Cassell said, spokesperson for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. “This is being treated as a homicide in which the weapon used to cause death is a non-traditional weapon.”

Both of the victims worked at the Luxor.


  • Associated Press. “1 dead, 1 hurt in Las Vegas parking lot blast” — MSNBC, May 7, 2007
  • “Explosion kills man in Vegas outside Luxor hotel” — Reuters, May 7, 2007

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Government Accountability Office requests rerun of US Air Force tanker bid

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Government Accountability Office on June 18 called for a re-run of the bidding for the U.S. Air Force $40 billion tanker contract, citing major flaws in the procurement process. This imperils the Northrop Grumman and EADS North America plan to assemble the planes in Mobile, Alabama.

When the Air Force selected Los Angeles based Northrop Grumman on February 29 to build the aircraft, Boeing challenged the award in a formal protest before the GAO, claiming the evaluation was skewed towards Northrop.

The GAO upheld Boeing’s protest, though not all of their individual claims were upheld.

“Our review of the record led us to conclude that the Air Force had made a number ofsignificant errors that could have affected the outcome of what was a closecompetition between Boeing and Northrop Grumman,” said Michael R. Golden, the GAO’s managing associate general counsel for procurement law.

The GAO issued a non-binding recommendation that the Air Force re-open the competition, allow the competitors to submit revised bids, and completely re-evaluate the new bids. This process could take a year or more to complete.

The Air Force has 60 days to respond to the GAO.

Northrop said that they needed time to consider the ruling, but their spokesman, Randy Belote, said “we continue to believe that Northrop Grumman offered the most modern and capable tanker for our men and women in uniform.”

Boeing supporters on Capital Hill urged the Air Force to scrap the contract and start a new competition as soon as possible.

“I believe the Air Force should set aside the agreement it improperly reached with EADS/Northrop Grumman and we should proceed expeditiously to build the best aircraft – the Boeing KC-767” said U.S. Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash, in whose state the Boeing aircraft would be built.

Alabama politicians were disappointed and surprised by the GAO’s ruling. Northop and EADS were to assemble their tankers in Alabama at a new assembly plant at Mobile’s Brookley Industrial Complex.

“I don’t believe this ruling signals the end of Alabama’s hopes for building tankers for the Air Force,” said U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile. “Like everyone else, I look forward to hearing from the GAO and meeting with the Air Force on how we move forward. For the sake of our airmen and women, we must find a way to do so quickly.”

The 69 page GAO decision was not made public, due to sensitive information about the aircraft, but a 3 page press release stated the main points of the ruling:

  • The Air Force did not correctly apply its own criteria when assessing the aircraft.
  • They miscalculated the costs associated with the Boeing tanker, and incorrectly concluded that Northrop’s would be cheaper.
  • They wrongly gave Northrop’s tanker extra credit for exceeding key performance objectives.
  • They did not back up their claim that the Northrop tanker could refuel all current Air Force fixed-wing aircraft.
  • They told Boeing that its aircraft met a key performance objective, before deciding this was only partially true.
  • The Air Force “unreasonably” favored Northrop after the company refused to help set up maintenance depots within two years of the first airplane delivery.
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US Transportation Security Administration “made inaccurate statements” about passenger privacy, says Department of Homeland Security report

Tuesday, March 29, 2005In a report from the Department of Homeland Security released on Friday, March 25, they allege the US Transportation Security Administration “made inaccurate statements” about its management of personal data belonging to passengers. The report claims, “TSA did not ensure that privacy protections were in place” as it handled data transfers to private contractors for use in the development of a computerized passenger screening application, called CAPPS II. While the report criticizes TSA for its inaccurate statements, it notes the “misstatements were apparently not meant to mischaracterize known facts,” but were instead “premised on an incomplete understanding” of the truth.

According to the report, the data at issue described passengers flying on the following airlines: America West Airlines, American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, and JetBlue Airways. In most of the problematic transfers, the privacy violation occurred by allowing third parties to access passenger data that was not anonymized. In one case, passenger information was made public on the internet through a presentation prepared by Torch Concepts. According to the report, “Torch Concepts’ subsequent efforts to remove the presentation from the internet have failed.”

In an AP report, Yahoo! News notes that TSA announced the launch of its “Secure Flight” system, saying, “Congress has said the agency can’t proceed with Secure Flight unless the Government Accountability Office reports that the technology ensures privacy and that the data are protected.” The report from the GAO was to be released Monday, March 27, 2005.

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Hidden Secrets Of The Best Cookie Recipe Ever

By Jeffrey Dorrian

For many, baking is a chemistry experiment gone horribly wrong, or just maybe, wonderfully correct. The variables of oven heat, local water properties and each manufacturers subtle differences in oil and flour quality can turn the best recipe into a kitchen nightmare. The true secret is to never give up and to keep adjusting your recipe to your own taste.

One of the most common problems with cookie recipes, is what to do with the butter. Butter has amazing properties and flavors that cannot be duplicated by other oils. It does however have one of the lowest melting temperatures of all of the baking oils and can cause your cookie to flatten into a gigantic mess. Solution, integrate some equal parts of shortening into your recipe. For every ounce of butter taken away, add an ounce of shortening. Also ball and refrigerate your cookie dough before putting it onto a pan and into the oven. Lastly double pan your cookies, so the heat is more evenly distributed and no too hot on the bottom side of your cookie. This will eliminate cookies that get burned on the bottom.


I have yet to see a cookie recipe made with all purpose flour that could not be improved by substituting some cake flour into the recipe. Start with a one third substitution and see if this makes your cookie a little lighter and easier to chew. For some super added flavor, use a premium cake mix. I use a spice cake mix in one of my recipes for the most amazing Christmas cookies you will ever taste. Chocolate and vanilla cake mixes do an amazing job as well. If you have a favorite cake mix, it would be a perfect candidate to try in a cookie recipe.

Thirty years ago it would have been very hard to find a chewy cookie. Famous Amos made a fortune selling a nice tasty chocolate chip cookie that was neither soft nor chewy. Today chewy cookies are all the rage. If your recipe doesn’t have any brown sugar in it try substituting a portion of brown sugar for regular white sugar. The key is to keep experiment until you have to exact consistency that you desire.

These three baking tips will help you make your perfect cookie. Everyone’s taste is different from each others, so don’t be disappointed if someone does not care for your baking masterpiece. Remember, never give up and keep experimenting until you have the perfect cookie.

About the Author: Jeffrey Dorrian is the webmaster at thesoapguy.com. He has been making handmade soap for six years. “Handmade soap is a little luxury anyone can afford”. Premium

wholesale soap. Pure and natural soap.



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Indian Railways tie up with Bombardier Transportation

Thursday, November 9, 2006

The Indian Railways (IR) has tied up with the Canadian transport solutions major Bombardier Transportation to produce electronic freight locomotives in the country for the proposed Rupee (Rs) 22,000-crore (one crore is 10 million) dedicated freight corridors on the eastern and western routes.

Bombardier produces regional aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment.

Bombardier Transportation officials have met Railways’ officials for exploring the option of setting up a greenfield electronic freight locomotive manufacturing facility and an assembling unit in India.

Analysts feels that IR will need at least 500-600 electronic freight locomotives, besides the same number of diesel locomotives for dedicated freight corridors in the first phase. “Conservative estimates for a normal locomotive are between Rs 13 crore and Rs 15 crore. The investment required for manufacturing electronic freight locomotives is around Rs 10,000 crore,” the analysts said.

It is also been learned that IR would also pick up a stake in this project.

Bombardier President, Transportation, Andre Navarri confirmed talks with IR, “We are keen to take part in the dedicated freight corridor project, but the nature of the agreement with the Indian government is yet to be finalized.”

IR will come up with a detailed plan and tenders for the proposed corridor by mid-November.

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Singapore and Brunei issue joint banknote

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

That Singapore and Brunei are today marking 40 years of currency interchangeability with a special banknote might come as a shock to some.

And it’s not the part about the special banknote, it’s that the two small southeast Asian countries have had interchangeable currencies for 40 years.

Singaporean Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong admits that not a lot of Singaporeans know about it, and that currency from Brunei is routinely refused by Singaporean retailers.File:Brunei 2006 circulating coins.jpg

“They are not used to seeing Bruneian currency,” Goh said at a press conference yesterday in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei. He added that he sees the need to educate Singaporean retailers “again and again” on the matter.

Maybe, said Goh, if more money from the tiny, oil-rich sultanate on Borneo was spent in the island republic of Singapore, there would be change.

“If Bruneians spend a lot of money in Singapore, and you have millions of Brunei dollars floating around, there’ll be no problem. So the retailers see the currency, they are not familiar with it,” Goh said.

“So from time to time, we have to tell the retailers that there is an interchangeable agreement with Brunei and the currency must be accepted,” Goh continued.

The 40th anniversary banknote will be an important tool in educating Singaporeans about current interchangeability, Goh said.

“It is a way to tell Singaporeans and also Bruneians that we have these interchangeable currencies… If the currency is not accepted just tell the retailer and explain to them that there is no problem, that they are acceptable to banks,” Goh said.

However, while the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Brunei Currency and Monetary Board will issue the notes into general circulation, it will be a limited issue.

“I think it will become a collectors’ item,” Goh said. “Because it’s the first time we are doing this in 40 years, I think collectors would not circulate them. But it is meant for circulation and can be used like any currency note,” he said.

The front of commemorative note has scenes from both Brunei and Singapore, while the reverse bears Singapore’s coat of arms and the face of Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei. Goh said he thought the design is “very attractive.”

The two countries have maintained currency interchangeability since 1967, when the Singapore dollar and the Brunei dollar replaced the Malaya and British Borneo dollar as legal tender in those countries.

Goh was in Brunei to attend yesterday’s royal banquet, put on by the Sultan of Brunei, on the occasion of the sultan’s daughter’s wedding.

Princess Majeedah Nuurul Bulqiah, 31, 11th daughter of the sultan, and Khairul Khalil, 32, exchanged their vows last Thursday, and were presented to the public on Sunday in a lavish, two-week ceremony steeped in Brunei royal and Muslim tradition.

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